Recent content by XxÜltimetallïumxX

  1. XxÜltimetallïumxX

    Sinner (Live from our Make-A-Wish Show)

    My phone is like the Jesus of Smartphones :p I was pretty disapointed, not gonna lie. Sorry about the quality.
  2. XxÜltimetallïumxX


    2/10 This is Metal?
  3. XxÜltimetallïumxX

    Theocracy song suggestions

    A metal cover to this:
  4. XxÜltimetallïumxX

    Theocracy song suggestions

    I still want Matt to try some Ivan Moody vocals. Or Judas Priest. :rock:
  5. XxÜltimetallïumxX

    Theocracy Compilation... or scam?

    Is Matt's stuff on itunes? I can't find his stuff anywhere.
  6. XxÜltimetallïumxX

    Theocracy song suggestions

    I seriously want Matt to try some aggressive vocals xD But not this agressive^
  7. XxÜltimetallïumxX

    Defining Metal Genres Thread

    I'm ignorant to Thrash as well. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is Metallica an example of Thrash Metal? What is Five Finger Death Punch? I will not take Hard Rock as an answer for either of these because; Metallica: Even though their newer stuff is Hard Rock, that does not defy a band. Their...
  8. XxÜltimetallïumxX

    Any US shows this Summer?

    No man the northern mid-west is BORING!
  9. XxÜltimetallïumxX

    "Collide & Spark": Charity single for homeless relief!

    It is definately not worth that 99¢ I paid. I want a refund. ^is what a tone deaf tasteless trolling idiot would say. I would pay $100 for this song. Almost not making that up. You should charge more for this glorious masterpiece.
  10. XxÜltimetallïumxX

    Theocracy Vocals Live?

    I would imagine they use backing tracks. There's no way a human could pull off that level of melodic and glorious singing.
  11. XxÜltimetallïumxX

    the "what are you currently listening to" thread

    I'm listening to a bunch of Hammerfall and some of Theocracy's older stuff.
  12. XxÜltimetallïumxX

    do any of you christians feel convicted about metal?

    Yes, I listen to secular metal. I am a Five Finger Death Punch fan. No, I do not feel convicted. I listen to a lot of secular music. See, a song is only as Satanic as you believe it to be. Blind Guardian's Sacred Worlds sounds like it is about a fallen angel gaining power from an unearthly...
  13. XxÜltimetallïumxX

    I'm gonna see Theocracy! (August 2014 Make-A-Wish concert)

    I'm under the impression that it's whenever they start back up with concerts. I've waited about 2 years already... And it'll be worth it I hope.
  14. XxÜltimetallïumxX

    Animal Cruelty (Extremely off topic but it's for school)

    Are you ready to take an oath to prevent animal abuse? Are you willing to fight for them? Do you want to make a difference for the lives of animals everywhere? Join my campaign to end animal cruelty. We are their voice, we are their last hope. Only we can make a difference. RACE stands for...