¯\(°_o)/¯ How do Crabcore Bass?


Oct 4, 2008
London, England

What specific model fender bass is that in the crabc0re video? ¯\(°_o)/¯

As seen here in possibly one of the most complex crabcore maneuvers, known as the "Talladega Bench Press":

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Hahaha, I can't say I'm a fan of crabc0re music myself (I do find it to be a highly amusing concept though), but that bass looks badass!
can´t see well from the gif, and too lazy to load the youtube video, but isn´t that like a fender jazz? what´s so special about it? I mean, those basses are fucking great but why the crabcore video? it´s used in a million vids/bands/songs

edit: why does he have to wear it lower than his balls? or a least where his balls should be if he had any. lol
can´t see well from the gif, and too lazy to load the youtube video, but isn´t that like a fender jazz? what´s so special about it? I mean, those basses are fucking great but why the crabcore video? it´s used in a million vids/bands/songs

I've seen that bass in a few videos years ago and liked it, but since I saw the crabc0re video the other day, it rekindled my interest in tha bass. Is that OK?

Anyhow, I looked on the Fender site and couldn't find it there. It's all about the maple neck, black body and dark shell (I think) pickguard. :loco:
I've seen that bass in a few videos years ago and liked it, but since I saw the crabc0re video the other day, it rekindled my interest in tha bass. Is that OK?

Anyhow, I looked on the Fender site and couldn't find it there. It's all about the maple neck, black body and dark shell (I think) pickguard. :loco:

it's cool man I wasn't being rude or anything, if you took it that way, sorry. Fender's page I've found can be hard to find what you're looking for, specially on jazz basses cause there are like 40 million different jazz models, I couldn't tell which one is the on ethe guy on the video uses, but I'm almost positive it's a Jazz.
it's cool man I wasn't being rude or anything, if you took it that way, sorry. Fender's page I've found can be hard to find what you're looking for, specially on jazz basses cause there are like 40 million different jazz models, I couldn't tell which one is the on ethe guy on the video uses, but I'm almost positive it's a Jazz.

No worries dude. :)
