¿And Chile?


New Metal Member
Feb 13, 2008
Sorry, but mi English is bad.

Opeth pasen por Chile, existe una gran cantidad de fans que los espera. :worship:

The best sudamerican metal is from Chile!! :headbang:
Sepultura FUE una gran banda, pero no hay más exponentes en Brasil ... Chile le gana!!!

Opeth Chile los espera!
His language (spanish?) is very similar to Italian. I can actually understand it even if I don' t know it :rofl:

I think he said
"Opeth come to Chile, there are a lot of fans who hope that"
in the first post, and
"Sepultura WAS a good band, but there are not many other exponents (metal bands) in Brazil..." in the second;
btw i don' t know what "gana" means
His language (spanish?) is very similar to Italian. I can actually understand it even if I don' t know it :rofl:

I think he said
"Opeth come to Chile, there are a lot of fans who hope that"
in the first post, and
"Sepultura WAS a good band, but there are not many other exponents (metal bands) in Brazil..." in the second;
btw i don' t know what "gana" means

Jajajaja, Yes is perfect!

¿Has escuchado bandas chilenas?
¿Criminal, Pentagram, Dorso, Uaral, Massacre, Undercroft, Socrofago?
Sepultura ... Ok, ¿y que más?

¿Opeth tiene planeado algun tour por SudAmerica?