1 song, 2 amps. guess wether the mp3 is tube or digital modelling


Nov 14, 2004
lets play a game. i recorded Killswitch Engage's Breathe Life twice. once through a digital solid state modelling preamp, and once through my engl. ...i posted this on a few other forums

(edit: voting is over. go to my post in the thread here to see results: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/6597872-post20.html)

the constants:
jackson fusion w/ stock pickups, drop-c
maxon od808 (ie tubescreamer vintage) with gain on 0 to tighten up the sound.
engl power amp section
line6 ax2 2x12 cabinet
mics (sm57 and audix i5) and mic placement
all plugins/eq/drums/bass

the variables:
digitech artist 2101 factory preset (run through fx loop in of engl, to bypass the engl's preamp)
engl savage special edition
presence is SLIGHTLY higher on the engl's power amp section for one of them

both mp3s are double tracked and have the exact same plugins/enhancements/etc to them. the audix i5 is center of speaker on grill cloth. the sm57 is angle'd towards the center, almost touching grillcloth. i'll upload a picture later probably

here we go :eek:

mp3 # 1: http://music.megagoo.com/forums game/killswitch breathe life-number 1.mp3
mp3 # 2: http://music.megagoo.com/forums game/killswitch breathe life-number 2.mp3

(also this is kind of a tone test too.. curious to see what others think of my n00b mic'ing skills. ive sent earlier versions of the engl mic'd to some people but both of these mp3s were just recorded a few minutes ago)

there are mistakes, the drums are not correct in some parts, the kick is too bass heavy, etc. its not a final mix by any means.. this is meant for a tone test only. let me know how it sounds overall and START GUESSING WHICH AMP





yea im cleanin my room now..
i guess either 1 or 2 is the tube amp and the other one is solid ztate.

sounds good anyway, like 1 best the other one lacks top and sounds muddier, so i'd guess its the tube (purely because of the thread). dont think its fair to compare them with the same settings, as you would modify each sound differently to make it sound the best
yea i should throw my celestion v30s in it. but its an open back cab. really not intended for recording on it..
Am I the only one that thought "No Shit!" when I saw this reply?

seems it went past some heads there before someone took it hah :kickass:

(or its proof most people dont read posts that isnt a) a reply to one of their own or b) is written with people with 1000+ posts :loco: )
haha, what the hell would i be trying to say, and why would i do another guess afterwards? good some people know how to appreciate a joke :saint:
ok voting is done. this was posted on 3 different forums. here are the total tallied results:

votes for #1 being tube: 14 out of 39 = 36%
votes for #2 being tube: 25 of 39 = 64%
votes for my room needing to be cleaned 1 of 1 = 100%

correct answer: #1 is the engl, #2 is the digitech 2101

so most people were wrong

things worth noting:

as i said, my methods and experience recording does NOT lend itself to having the minute details of a particular amp shine through. but i am experimenting between different methods of recording for my own songs in the future and trying to find the best method. i was very surprised when i recorded my brand new (used) digitech 2101 and it actually was a very similar sound to the engl

and also, as stated in the original post, a large part of this was just to get opinions of my job micing. im borrowing the i5 so i wanted to take my first shot at a modified "fredman" technique. i am pretty sure the mic's brought out WAY too many mids. the mids are similarly harsh to my ears through both units.

so either the engl sucks, or the digitech is great. or it doesnt matter because my recordings suck
