10/4 Clifton Park Reviews -Jason Bitner


New Metal Member
May 13, 2005
I might write some more later, but in short Anthrax was amazing again. They weren't as good as the last time i saw them (at the alive 2 dvd shoot) but they still ruled. Jason Bitner from Shadows Fall came out and played drums on A.I.R. note for note. Set list was pretty much the same as all the headlining shows. Also Scott sang the first verse and chorus when they played the little bit of Pantera's New Level.
I was there too, and made a huge post about it. its gone now...

twas a good set list, but I missed Lone Justice. Bittner was awesome on the skins
Hey, Albany-area (Delmar over here) metalheads, check in! I was the big guy with long hair, the Slayer T-shirt, and jean shorts.

Yeah, I know, really helpful.

I've been getting into Anthrax more lately; I had been a passing fan before, having only heard a few songs. After I saw that show at Northern Lights, I'm hurting for more.

Also, what is this I hear of Opeth/Nevermore? Where is this to be held?
TheWhaleShark said:
Hey, Albany-area (Delmar over here) metalheads, check in! I was the big guy with long hair, the Slayer T-shirt, and jean shorts.

Yeah, I know, really helpful.

I've been getting into Anthrax more lately; I had been a passing fan before, having only heard a few songs. After I saw that show at Northern Lights, I'm hurting for more.

Also, what is this I hear of Opeth/Nevermore? Where is this to be held?
Saratoga Winners, Nov 2nd or 4th. I dont remember.

Well, as for Anthrax it depends on what era you want to get into.

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