rahvin keeper of the flame Oct 10, 2001 17,571 245 63 47 safe but not far from the city Sep 10, 2002 #81 85. because i've seen the reaper face to face rahvin.
Onde Erik Member Oct 10, 2001 326 8 18 42 Gothenburg, Sweden Sep 10, 2002 #82 86) Buying Damage Done makes baby Jesus cry.
W Wanderingblade Just Hangin' Around Jan 5, 2002 1,562 32 48 Leeds/London, UK Visit site Sep 10, 2002 #83 87). With his art, Niklas Sundin is a fist in the face of God. And with his guitar playing, he is a fist in the stomach of God. Shame he dropped the lyrics, as they were a knee to the groin of God.
87). With his art, Niklas Sundin is a fist in the face of God. And with his guitar playing, he is a fist in the stomach of God. Shame he dropped the lyrics, as they were a knee to the groin of God.
rahvin keeper of the flame Oct 10, 2001 17,571 245 63 47 safe but not far from the city Sep 10, 2002 #84 88. because i'm sick and tired of cars tailgating me on the motorway. @wanderingblade: best one so far... rahvin.
88. because i'm sick and tired of cars tailgating me on the motorway. @wanderingblade: best one so far... rahvin.
xenophobe Active Member May 17, 2002 12,288 700 113 SF Bay Area Sep 10, 2002 #85 89) Because if you don't, Angela will personally come to your house and kick your ass!
W Wanderingblade Just Hangin' Around Jan 5, 2002 1,562 32 48 Leeds/London, UK Visit site Sep 10, 2002 #86 90. I'm clinging to deception and thinking its a quality album Thanks rahv
solefald Vheissu Apr 11, 2002 1,642 0 36 45 Chimera Chiemgau www.myspace.com Sep 10, 2002 #87 91)because ist no fist in the face of god,its gods smile to us earthlings
|ngenius Little Grasshopper Nov 16, 2001 2,223 70 48 44 Barcelona Visit site Sep 10, 2002 #88 92) Because there are 91 reasons to do it.
S Siren Active Member Dec 6, 2001 9,341 188 63 Sep 10, 2002 #89 93) Because Q's been studying some math!
H hyena counterclockwise Apr 13, 2002 6,913 51 48 46 - Sep 10, 2002 #90 94. because siren hasn't been studying anything
NaTaSMAI . Feb 20, 2002 4,722 360 83 Colorado www.ultimatemetal.com Sep 10, 2002 #91 95. Because I have a headache
xenophobe Active Member May 17, 2002 12,288 700 113 SF Bay Area Sep 10, 2002 #92 96) Because I need a copy
S Siren Active Member Dec 6, 2001 9,341 188 63 Sep 10, 2002 #93 96) Because hyena knows everything. OMG!!!!!!!111 she's a prophet LOL!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111
96) Because hyena knows everything. OMG!!!!!!!111 she's a prophet LOL!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111
Final_Vision This is Not an Exit Oct 19, 2001 5,773 27 48 41 California Sep 10, 2002 #94 97) Because its obviously making this forum a better place F_V (what am i doing here? )
PrinnyD00d Everyone's Bitch Feb 8, 2002 668 3 18 42 Pittsburgh, PA USA Visit site Sep 10, 2002 #95 98) Because AAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHH
Arch â«â¬**âªâ«â¬**Òâ«â¬**âªâ«â¬**Ò â«â¬* Oct 9, 2001 15,978 494 83 122 // --> Sep 10, 2002 #96 99) Because Stone Cold Steve Austin said so.
S sideslash Member Apr 23, 2002 86 0 6 39 Charlotte, NC, USA princeali.netfirms.com Sep 11, 2002 #97 100) The chorus in "Monochromatic Stains" reason enough :]
wildfyr unus spiritus est Oct 10, 2001 3,479 55 48 real-time eyesoffyr.com Sep 11, 2002 #98 101) because
W Wanderingblade Just Hangin' Around Jan 5, 2002 1,562 32 48 Leeds/London, UK Visit site Sep 11, 2002 #99 102) Greetings Earthlings. We shall turn your own music against you as sonic weapons of terrifying effiency. BWUHBWUHBWUHBWUHBWUH!
102) Greetings Earthlings. We shall turn your own music against you as sonic weapons of terrifying effiency. BWUHBWUHBWUHBWUHBWUH!
rahvin keeper of the flame Oct 10, 2001 17,571 245 63 47 safe but not far from the city Sep 11, 2002 #100 103. because i don't want this forum to become similar to the opeth board. @wildfyr; @wanderingblade: getting lazy, there? rahvin.
103. because i don't want this forum to become similar to the opeth board. @wildfyr; @wanderingblade: getting lazy, there? rahvin.