1000 reasons to buy damage done today

145. Because there is subliminal messages all through out the cd. They make you want to slice your wrists and worship satan.
161. b/c I have to go to court for some stupid shit that I didnt do, and end up paying a fine I cant really afford b/c some cop wanted to get a boner and think he was changing something in the world.
162) Because there's justice in the world, after all, and finally NickTheClayman will be right punished for his crimes. :grin:


Btw: Good luck, man. (The :Saint: quote)
164. because with it you have reason good enough
to press open/close button on your cd-player and at the same time drop the
lamp on your writing desk,which located near to your stereo system. The lamp will be broken and it will cause a fire what will burn your whole residence but who cares...
It´s Damage Done.