11/6 DT chat technical help


Jan 16, 2002
Visit site
Dt, according to the site news, will attend a chat on wallsoffire.com's chat on 11/6. Unfortunately it's a webchat, and my IE has the awful tendency to crash some seconds after login. does anyone have a hint about a way to identify server and port of such a chat and accede to it through an irc client, such as mirc? Any suggestion is warmly welcome, i'd be very sorry if i had to miss the chat... :cry:

Alfred (fainting)
Yes, that page is very uncomfortable and has probs with Opera as well, any irc-related info would be more than welcome.. :cry:

Siren (
Still great news that they are having a chat again. I will be there, and ask even more questions :p Too bad the place sucks.

-Ormir (question master of last chat)

Siren (alsjhgflahglhglahglagflagflahgflhgflaglgflgalhgalgflagf)
You're welcomgeradfasdfascdawefascxasdasdsdfaaxcsfawfasdfasadasdaxasasdqawecsadfasdadadadgdagasdgdffafagadgagagdfagadfggfdadfgdadfgdag
hey guys,
here is kerim, the chief of the walls of fire page...
i am very sorry about the fact, that someone have problems with the page. we know this fact and working hard for another and for a good new version of walls of fire....
nevertheless, i hope we see us for talking with the guys from dt.....


Originally posted by Ormir
It's a java-based chat, over http protocol. It can't be accessed with an IRC client program.
I won't surrender... *sniff* :cry:

Tiamat, thanks a lot for passing, I hope we'll all be able to get enough stuff to be able to be there in time, all of us :)

If i resort to formating my disk (9 months after i originally planned to..) in order to be there, then !#$*$#@*@#*!^%#&!#!#*@#*@^#*@%#*!#*!^#*@#*^@#*^%#%!~#*@$#*&$#(%&^!(&%@^$@&%~#@&$#@&~#@~%$@^$%~@&@&~%#@&$#@~&%#@&#@&~$#&@#&~%#@&%$#@&~#@&#@. I think that says it all. *grumf*
You should try it with different Internet browsers. If Explorer and Opera don't do it, try Netscape or Mozilla.
I'm trying to update my Internet Exploder, have no time to format, i'll try Netscape or Gozilla perhaps, but i'm pretty positive i'll miss the chat. :/

@Alfred: Need any help? :devil:
Hmmm, it's supposedly fixed now, hope i won't have any more probs..

"Siren" seemed to be taken, so i registered the nick "7seas".

See you there :cool: :p
So, who's going on the D.T. chat on 11/6?