112dB Redline EQ


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I wanted to draw your attention to a great new EQ plug-in that's made its way out. It essentially heralds the next generation of plug-ins, that take it further than simply being functional, or an analogue emulation, but rather being all things in one.

This plug-in is a paragraphic linear phase equalizer, minimum phase equalizer, analogue modeling equalizer, harmonic exciter & saturation plug-in. There are enough options to make it a workhorse EQ for just about anything. I'm even tempted to ditch my 'go-to' Sonnox EQ in favor of it, if the developers implement some tiny workflow adjustments I've suggested.

Here's the link for y'all: http://www.112db.com/redline/equalizer/

Have fun.
Odd you posted this, I just briefly checked it out and indeed it is a verrry nice EQ. I still need to wrap my head around a few of the functions but my initial impression is very, very good.

I'm loving the new 112db stuff!

You said "even tempted to ditch my 'go-to' Sonnox EQ in favor of it"... in your opinion how does it compare ? I'm on brainworx&McDsp (all iLok) myself.

Yeah Ed has shown me this before, looks realllllly great and promising. $ is kinda :erk: though if I remember correctly, but I guess that's subjective to who you ask!
price sounds good.
seems to be "too" versatile for me though. I like stuff that makes me tweak a knob and I get a result...all those gazillion tone options take away from the creativity for me (YMMV)
I definitely agree there. It is possible for plug-ins to over-extend themselves and present too many weak options rather than one very strong one. They need to aid workflow and not impede. This is why I don't use the URS CSP anymore. I'm still not sure which it is that the Redline EQ does, but I will in the coming weeks.
I tried it, but it seemed to have a maddening amount of latency. And in Reaper it didn't seem to be reporting the latency figures to the ADC properly so I noticed audible latency when using it during mix playback. Very very CPU intensive as well. Did sound pretty good though, but not mind-blowing.
Just downloaded it. Worked effortlessly on PT8 on OSX.
Quick question, is a linear eq important? I am not the best at fiddling with these things, so dont really know what I am doing, I am just a button twister at the moment. I mean, here in Oz, it works out to be $138. Waves want a lot for their linear phase eq, so this thing could work out well in the future when I have sufficient knowledge on how to use all the gadgetry!
Looks like a great plugin. I will have to try the demo. This really seems to almost exactly the über EQ I described wanting to exist a month or so back in another thread, really happy it exists! Thanks Ermz!
So I gave it a try. Wow, is all I can say - it made me realize that my tracks already sounded great without it. :lol:

Seriously, even with flat settings and no saturation enabled, this thing makes tracks disappear in the mix and sound distorted/muffled. WTF? I'm disappointed, this plugin looks great, but it sounds awful.
I definitely agree there. It is possible for plug-ins to over-extend themselves and present too many weak options rather than one very strong one. They need to aid workflow and not impede. This is why I don't use the URS CSP anymore. I'm still not sure which it is that the Redline EQ does, but I will in the coming weeks.

haha...i read the 1st sentence of this post and thought "URS CSP"

great minds think alike, mother fucker!