112dB Redline EQ

So I gave it a try. Wow, is all I can say - it made me realize that my tracks already sounded great without it. :lol:

Seriously, even with flat settings and no saturation enabled, this thing makes tracks disappear in the mix and sound distorted/muffled. WTF? I'm disappointed, this plugin looks great, but it sounds awful.

Lol, that's because there's a 3dB drop in level with the current version :lol:
Lol, that's because there's a 3dB drop in level with the current version :lol:

I noticed that, but it also sounds different even once I compensate for that... in a bad way. I love the UI and the concept, but I don't like the sound of it at all, with any settings I tried (quite a lot of different ones, based on presets but tweaked to the needs of the track.)

Threw the URS A series on the material in question and was infinitely happier, but it's a one trick pony, and not a direct substitute for the UAD-1 Neve (which I constantly run out of DSP for, forcing me to bounce like crazy.) My overall feeling about URS plugins isn't altogether positive either, and that's the only one of theirs I own (because it is decent on guitars.)

A Sonnox-style EQ that can substitute for a Neve or API or Pultec is still an idea made of pure win, so I will keep looking... unfortunately it appears that the only plugins I really like the most are UAD-1 or Waves, both of which end up being costly. I just need to up my rates. :lol: