Thanks for the anwser, unfortunately the first purpose of this library was my own use of it. I always use room mics when tracking drums so I always have a room behind the close mics in my mixes (I'd say 80% of the time, at least).
This time I just tracked top and bottom snare sample, but in the future I plan to really re-sample everything including : room, OHs, ... and so on.
In the first place I wanted to add a mono room mic to the snare samples but couldn't do it unfortunately because of the lack of time.
I think my library is more sound-reinforcement oriented than total triggering though. Anyway I just spent a few hours today to select the best rimshot hits (4 rimshot hits for each snare) and edit them. Then I plan to add 3 medium hits, and 3 soft hits. I think it should be sufficient considering the samples are very dynamic sounding : I didn't normalize anything and kept the original "relative" dynamics, which I think is cool for a natural breathing drumsound. I'm not in the same pool as Slate or any other "processed sounding samples" library. Of course their samples sound amazing (really dig them), but I just recorded natural samples so people can do whatever they want with those really. Hope some guys will use them for their mixes and enjoy the sounds.
I think I will add a mixed top and bottom snare version, sounds like a good idea !

Tomorrow I'd like to post a free download link to one snare, so everyone can judge of the sound, file structures etc. and I will use this as a report before I sell anything.
As there are 15 snares (+ one kick multi-sample + two tom sets) I think $30 is a good price. And of course do not hesitate to PM me if you have some questions or things you want to suggest before I put this online.
EDIT : I can add a few room samples from two previous projects, they won't match the close miced snares, but I think they sound great so...