12 different snare drums - samples, should I require payment for this ?

Library is online !

If you want to download the samples, do the following :

Go to PayPal and do a $30 USD / 22 euros payment to my PayPal adress : sylvain.raulin(at)gmail.com
Then drop me a PM saying you just did the money transfer for the samples, and provide a valid email adress where I can send you the download link.
Yes, you can do this by making sure each TCI matches cell-by-cell, but Trigger prints the tracks together and renders the feature is useless IMO.

If you want to print your room tracks separately from your direct tracks, different hits will be triggered on each end, although in the same velocity range. This is fine for room tones for the most part, but having one sample on the top mic and a different one on the bottom mic would be disastrous.

Hadn't thought about that. In any case, a TCI takes about 10 seconds to make yourself, so what Sly has done is best I think, providing .wav's of separate top and bottom. Mix them yourself then make a TCI out of them.

Hopefully Trigger will be able to do multiple outs in future, even if only through MIDI.
Come on guys, just buy it :) it's great, really, I tried the Mapex snare in one of my mixes and it's really amazing how defined it comes out ! I will post a sample so you can judge by yourself.

You should post clips of all the drums. It'd be better for them to be solo drums (like Slate) rather than in the mix (like Toontrack), imo, it's more revealing. But I'll probably end up buying these, they sound quite good.