12 Monkeys

First movie I ever saw that didn't have a happy ending. That shit was baffling at the time, lol.

Spoiler alert...

Well, it wasn't a totally "unhappy" ending either though...
funny story...the first time I saw the movie I actually thought that they failed completely to save the world, I totally missed that in the final scene you see that they've actually sent someone to "take out" the villain (a scene inside the airplane if I remember correctly). It wasn't until long after that I read somewhere about it and had to re-watch the movie.

No they didn't.. the person inside the plane just happens to be one of the very scientists that sends Willis back.
It's basically like "They could have stopped it if they knew", but they didn't.. he released the virus before even getting on the plane.

No they didn't.. the person inside the plane just happens to be one of the very scientists that sends Willis back.
It's basically like "They could have stopped it if they knew", but they didn't.. he released the virus before even getting on the plane.

To be honest it's been quite a long time since I've seen the movie (I was much younger and stupid ;) ) so you may be right, but didn't they have the ability to send people back in time? So, couldn't that person be from the future, sent there to stop him?
Anyway, either way the movie was amazing. Seems like I need to watch it again sometime.
This is interesting... from the Imdb FAQ:

Does Cole's mission succeed?

It does, according to director Terry Gilliam. Cole's mission was never to change the past, which he repeatedly states cannot be done, but rather to find a sample of the pure virus which could be sent back to his time for analysis, in hopes that they could at least create a cure for al the virus' mutations, and make the Earth habitable again in that future. At the end of the film, Cole identifies the carrier of the virus, and although Cole himself dies, his information allowed one of the scientists to go to the past from the future, and obtain a sample of the virus, thereby making the hope for an eventual cure possible. Note that the female scientist is clearly the same age in the modern setting as she is in the future scenes, ruling out the notion that her younger self just happens to have been on the plane with the carrier. It is strongly implied that the scientists from the future planned Cole's death because he refused to return to his own time, and they could not allow him to disturb the past any further. They send Jose (Jon Seda) through time to give Cole an ancient gun and instructions to complete his mission. They might have intended that Cole try to use the gun in a(n) (futile) attempt to kill the carrier of the virus. The scientists probably knew it would not work and would cause security personnel to neutralize him, while the female scientist herself made sure the mission was completed

Damn, guess i was wrong then.. as i remembered it she had gray hair and pale skin in the future, and in the plane she was more tanned and had shining red hair(But i guess there is hair dye and makeup. ;) ).