12 String


Bi-weekly top album:
Nov 5, 2005
Sanford, Maine
I know this may be a pretty tough question.... it says Opeth have used a 12-string acoustic guitar on MAYH, BWP, Deliverance and/or Damnation, and Ghost Reveries. Could anyone tell me the songs and parts that they use them in? I really would like to know the differance in sound between a 12 and a normal one.
Well, I can't name all the parts he uses it on but Mike certainly plays it on Closure (listen to the beginning), on Ghost of Perdition (e.g. the first acoustic break), on Harlequin Forest, somewhere in The Baying of the Hounds and a few other places. I heard that much of the material for GR was written on a 12 string. Didn't know they used it on MAYH though...
the above + bwp - a funeral portrait

i can't think of where it is on mayh

anyhoo, a 12 string has an extra string for each string...6 x 2 = 12....on the lowest (in pitch) for strings, the extra string is an octave higher....my description of their sound is...full, chorus-like, brushy sounding (when strummed), they have some what of a harpsichord sound (when picked)

a classic 12 string riff is "i wish you were here" by pink floyd...(i think thats the one)
I believe the first acoustic break before hell breaks loose on Demon Of The Fall is played on a 12-string.
JoeVice said:
the above + bwp - a funeral portrait

i can't think of where it is on mayh

anyhoo, a 12 string has an extra string for each string...6 x 2 = 12....on the lowest (in pitch) for strings, the extra string is an octave higher....my description of their sound is...full, chorus-like, brushy sounding (when strummed), they have some what of a harpsichord sound (when picked)

a classic 12 string riff is "i wish you were here" by pink floyd...(i think thats the one)
Oh yes, I know how a twelve string looks and how it is constructed (I plan on buying one within the week), but I didn't really know what it sounded like. Thanks for pointing that out!
Dante's Inferno said:
The end of Atonement is 12-string (5:24).

Also in Reverie/Harlequin Forest (3:29)
Right after he sings "a seed of hope" it goes six-string, then 12 again when he sings "they are the trees".
Atonement sounds weird... did they use an effect on the acoustic or used an electric one? It's getting very clear to me already what a 12-string sounds like. Maybe if someone could name one of Opeth's songs that uses both 6 and 12 to compare? I know it sounds nerdy but it's sort of interesting.
Well again that would be Ghost of Perdition. The riff during the first acoustic break (BTW one of the most beautiful riff's I've ever heard) is played on 6 string near the end of the song
12 strings sound cool but personally i hated them when i was trying out a load at Bluewater's 'Make Music' store.. and my bassist's step dad has one.. and it's crap lol.
opeth_353 said:
12 strings sound cool but personally i hated them when i was trying out a load at Bluewater's 'Make Music' store.. and my bassist's step dad has one.. and it's crap lol.

I understand your point. Not every guitarist can make a 12 strings sounds great. A friend of mine own's one and he cannot control it as he control the 6. Then another friend plays it sometime and it sounds like he was born with it in the hands.

I think that the control of a 12 is more a born gift than a technique or an aptitude capabilities...
opeth_353 said:
12 strings sound cool but personally i hated them when i was trying out a load at Bluewater's 'Make Music' store.. and my bassist's step dad has one.. and it's crap lol.

Depends on where you go to try a 12 string guitar out... a lot of locally handmade 12 strings up here in Seattle sound great, especially at Dusty Strings out in the Fremont District. Handcrafted guitars are the best, only because care and dedication is put into them. Plus... it takes a LONG time to master the 12 string guitar. Lots of work, lots of effort, and a HUGE FUCKING CALLUS. And it's worth it too^_^.
Making a 12 string sound good also lies in the tuning. Even if one string is out of tune just a little, it won't sound great. They're a bitch to tune by ear as well. For me, at least.

12 string basses are rediculous o_o