13 Year Old Steals Dad's Credit Card To Buy Hookers

Technically escorts aren't prostitutes. They get paid to accompany someone for "social" purposes, but often the goal of getting one in the first place is for sex. They just do it that way to get around prostitution laws.
I like the system they have for prostitution in Sweden. Prostitution there is legal, but using the prostitute (i.e. being the John) is illegal. That prevents the sad occurrence of law enforcement officers forcing the prostitutes to perform sexual acts in order to avoid arrest.
Not quite. Imaginative brains ftw.
Sad lonely people ftl.

I play D&D, but I play with people.
Same here. Although I've played Neverwinter Nights, the D&D computer game...different, though.

Still pretty sad.

:lol: I'm so happy D&D hasn't taken off over here.

I probably would've ended up playing it and be a massive social outcast, rather than in the group of social outcasts (Which consists of half of the year)
Tbh, you don't have to play it a lot. I play like once a week for an hour or two with some friends. I don't think that's particularly pathetic. We have a good time, we don't roleplay our characters or get obsessed with it or anything.


Hookers have HIV. Especially professional escort girls.
Indeed, tons of them.
Fortunately, they make these handy things called condoms. And the French invented this handy thing called the blowjob.

Why pay for something you can get for free? eh?
Because 13 year olds get tons.
*waits for Faith No More to brag*
You have to ask for them specifically.

Tbh, small real tits VASTLY hotter than massive fake ones. Or even massive real ones.