1349/Goatwhore/Nachtmystium etc.


summoning the rain
Jul 31, 2006
did anyone here go to the 1349/Goatwhore/Nachtmystium/Averse Sefira/Wolven Ancestry show last night? i saw at least one person with a WoY shirt there.

it was pretty daymn good ;)
I was in Toronto for that, but it was an 18+ show, my parents didn't want me to go anyway, and it was several miles from our hotel, and we didn't have a car.
I was in Toronto for that, but it was an 18+ show, my parents didn't want me to go anyway, and it was several miles from our hotel, and we didn't have a car.

it wasn't 18+! i'm 16 and i got in. it was an all ages event, too bad you couldnt go :p

where was your hotel?
did anyone here go to the 1349/Goatwhore/Nachtmystium/Averse Sefira/Wolven Ancestry show last night? i saw at least one person with a WoY shirt there.

it was pretty daymn good ;)

That could have been me. I was the only person that I saw that had a Woods shirt on.

And that show ripped. Wolven Ancestry blew me away, I wasn't expecting it to be that good. Averse Sefira was awesome ...and Nachtmystium bored me after the first song (It was possibly the one song I like by them). 1349 was incredible though, better than I expected.
I heard that Natchtmystium and 1349 were boring as all hell and the rest blew them away. but I wasnt there, so I dunno.

Nachtmystium was pretty boring, but 1349 was actually pretty sweet.\

I think the gutiarist/singer of Averse Sefira was too inebriated to play guitar though, as all his chords sounded terrible, but no the album they sound fine. And he progressivly became sloppier as the set moved on...and the bastard spit on me:Smug:

Goatwhore was annoying though, they drag their set on way too long.
You're nuts.

Averse Sefira was merely okay. They seem to be a decent band live, but when I saw this tour on the 11th, it seems that AS's sound as a more "tr00" black metal outfit doesn't translate into a live setting very well. Being that I listen to craploads of metal, I could pick out the individual riffs, but to my friends who aren't that into metal, it was just a wall of sound.

Nachtmystium blew me away. I thought they were absolutely fantastic, a lot more "thrashy" than they are on album.

Goatwhore was awesome as usual. Frist time I saw them they toured with a bunch of crap Mathcore bands and they were good then, but even better this time around. They played a lot of my favorite songs (Sky Inferno!) and gave me a new respect for their latest album, A Haunting Curse.

1349 was alright. They suffered similar symptoms as Averse Sefira. They also played some of my favorites and I very much enjoyed their set, but I think Goatwhore really blew them out of the water. Goatwhore has a much better stage presence(I feel like this is mispelled) than 1349 and their sound translates better. As well, I must admit, I like Goatwhore better anyway.

Drinking some beer and headbanging (sometimes difficult coupled together), while listening to Goatwhore made it a fantastic night and worth it to skip studying for the test I had the next day (which I did fine on anyway.)