14-year old guitar player

Your songs sound pretty good, but you are right, the production is bad.
You won't get better distortion by some cheap practise amp(with $90 you probably won't even get a practise amp). Maybe you should buy effect pedal, behringer comes to mind as the cheapest.
I checked out some of your tunes - rock on, man! Good stuff, and you have a ton of time to get even better.

As for production, it's all about mic placement... if you're micing the amp that is. Experiment with that, you can get some great results.
You should try to write stuff that sounds more original, and get more into orginal playing. I like your phrasing, it's not unlike most shredders. I'm also a young guitarist (turned 15 a month ago) i dont have any solo stuff recorded, but you can hear my band at www.myspace.com/knorwoodx