Im loosing it trying to get a decent guitar sound

So i got a 57 today and thought i would try it out as well as moving the mic around a bit more, I settled on a spot and recorded the amp once with the Contour switch off which Makes the amp loud as hell but kinda muddy, and once with the contour switch on but had to turn it up louder in order to get the same Volume.

57 sounds alot better to my ears then the Audix I-5. And contour gives a hell of alot more definition.

What do you guys think i should do next ?

Here is the samne track panned diffrerent and two more guitar tracks put on the lower part of the song.
My advice.....raise the guitars and lower the bass (in the mix).
What do you think about this xxl cab?

Tried to do what you said, let me know what you think. XXL cab is ok better then any marshall, and alot better then the engl Standard cab, but not as good as a mesa oversized. My main issue with it is it sounds compared to how much it weighs, For gigging its insanely heavy and i have had to almost sit a show out because i hurt myself lugging its 140 lbs ass around the stage. but i would definatley say its not worth the money, you could get two used Mesa oversized cabs for the price of one XXL.
So i was trying to record today and i noticed the amp sounding particularly not good this morning then while trying to track some guitars i started getting weird volume swells, and some microphonic feedback, hopefully nothing serious and just tubes, but could be one of my many problems.
the room you are recording in looks pretty small, which is probably creating some nasty standing waves. try moving to amp to a bigger open space and see if that helps. you should also try out different speakers to see which one you lie the best out of all 4.

if you are trying to get close to the in flames guitar sound, the freedman micing technique is definitely one you should consider trying. it's generally used with two sm57's, but it would probably work well with your 57 and i5. check out this thread: