16 tracks of audio....


May 26, 2005
Hey guys. I'm currently looking to upgrade my 8ins on my soundcard to 16 ins. I'm a PC user running Logic 5. I have an STAudio DSP 24 card at the moment with the ADC & DAC 2000 breakout box. I can't seem to find many cards with 16 ins. I would try to daisy chain with another STAudio card, but it seems they dont make this card anymore. Can you daisy chain the Maudio 1010? Is it a good idea? Suggestions please!
Smalex said:
Can you daisy chain the Maudio 1010? Is it a good idea? Suggestions please!

You can daisychain them. (it's on their site)

Alternatives :
i would look into either the focusrite octapre or the presonus digimax. they alson both have cheaper versions which have adat connectivity. the focusrite you have to buy an additional adat card and the presonus is adat ready. i have a presonus digimax and its workin out great. the preamps are really good. the other suggestions mentioned here are good too. just try to find out which is gonna work best for you. good luck.