$170 burning a hole in my pocket...


man who plays drum
Jun 7, 2003
Wallingford, CT
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Ugh, I got $170 in my pocket, and I have no idea what I wanna do with it, and no im not going on a CD haul.

someone give me ideas?!?!!

And no, im not sending you any money, dont ask =)
Hmm, Voices, i've been looking at the Zildjian ZXT's lately, not the titaniums, but the other ones. Very cheap, and solid reviewson musicians friend, you ever play them?

Im thinking of a 16'' and an 18" rock crash, I dont think a rock crash and a thin crash would sound too good paired up.
sounds good urinal. i only play Sabian, but im hearing good things about the ZXT's. omg those titaniums are a frkn joke! good job not even looking at those. I havent played the ZXT's, but i know 2 people who have 'em and like 'em a lot.
hooray, the price on em is right, and have solid reviews. Yea those titaniums are a JOKE. They have the worst sound =( I think im gonna get a 16'' and 18'' Rock Crash ZXT, I can afford those now, I'll probably get a 22" WUHAN China, i've heard solid things about them, then I gotta get a new ride, hi-hats, and splash.

ALL my current cymbals are shot, so Im slowly getting all new ones .
14's are pretty much the standard for hats, altho portnoy used 13's on the LTE albums and they came out great, so try 'em out and see what you like.
Do you have a double pedal yet? If not, for around $170, you can get the new Pacific DP602C, which is MUCH too good for a Pacific Pedal, a DW 4002, or even a Pearl Powershifter P122TW.

Or if you're really in the market for cymbals, that ZXT Crash looks nice. In my opinion, though...

ALL WUHAN CHINAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you seen the prices on these @ Musicians Friend? Buy them! BUY THEM NOW!!!
i'm on my second double pedal. first was a Tama Iron Cobra, which kicked ass. now im using the DW 9002s which are near perfect. The new Janus pedals are real heavy and awkward so even tho they say its fast and good, its prolly not worth it, and definately more than $170. Axis are lightning fast but break in a year and a half, so unless you are Derek Roddy and are sponsored by them and can get free ones dont get it. I played a PowerShifter a few weeks ago up in Jersey, and they are weird ... its easy to push it down until a point about an inch away from the head and then it gets progressively harder. not cool. im stickin with my DW 9002's, but those new Pacifics look pretty nice. I highly recommend the 9002s. they are $450 but worth every cent.
yea, I saw the prices on the WUHAN chinas, Im deff. thinking of getting a couple =)

I DO have a double pedal ; 4002P's , also got them last time I had 170 =)

Maybe a Crash and a 22" wuhan china for now, and maybe a 10" splash
Looks like im getting:
10" Wuhan splash
20" Wuhan CHINA (w000t)
and a 16" OR 18" Zildjian ZXT Rock Crash.

Im undecided on the size, what would be better? Will i notice a BIG diff. between 16 and 18?

i think a 16" would be the most practical, but the 18s are good too, just for louder playing or for playing in bigger places. as for a BIG difference, most likely not. it just depends on what ur gonna use it for.