$170 burning a hole in my pocket...

yo urinal, the thread where u said this is closed, but whats this about a new Demons & Wizards cd?? its not on their site. i have the first one, which is great. where did you see any news about it?
I heard it from a reliable source of mine. From what I've heard they're either IN studio now, or WILL be going in soon. Basically the IE tour when it got delayed set them back, but hopefully it'll be out by X-Mas.

Oh, and my reliable source = Yngvai X , and he told me around the time of the IE/CoB tour, but I just remembered it now.
I have some pearl double kick pedal that is pretty god-awful that my parents got me a few years ago. I mean it works, but I seem to play double bass so much better on every other kit.

And I hate Zildjians, but might look into the Wuhan chinas. I assumed since they cost like $3 that they would suck, but if theyre actually decent I may pick one up.
i say get 680 quarters. that way it wont be able to burn a hole in your pocket because it wont all fit in your pockets. Unless of course you're wearing freakishly large cargo pants.
wuhans are so awesome. just buy like ...8 of them and youre kit will look ridiculously awesome (whether more ridiculous than awesome remains to be seen)
yeah man the more cymbals the better ... i only have 12 ... but im getting more soon. i dont know who makes it ... but i might want this thing called an 'alien disc'. i saw it a while ago and from what i can remember it was basically a thick, flat splash with holes drilled it in and screws in the holes for a weird sound. i've never even heard it, but i might look into it. i only have little spaces to fill up, so im going for as many effects cymbals as possible. its so good working them into songs. any effects cymbal recommendations?