Here are the albums that I already have:
Drudkh - Forgotten Legends, Autumn Aurora, The Swan Road, Blood in Our Wells
Hednaorden (The Heathen Order)Vintersorg - ALL
Well he could always go the woke route with Violet Cold.
Nationalists make better music than wokesters or ol' beelzebub
have you considered that maybe to most people it comes across less as helpful and more as annoying proselytizing and you attempting to force your values into spaces where they don't belong and onto people who don't care or worse? i don't think anyone is going to thank you for spending a lot of time and effort on threads that no one asked for because not a single soul gives a shit about ChRiStiAn BlAcK MeTaL except those that are afraid of big bad boo-boo satan.When someone puts this kind of time into something that is intended to actually get us sharing music on this forum in a way that could be very helpful to us all and asks for some basic reciprocation
"asking for music from other perspectives", lmfao, who the fuck do you think you are kiddingErik, if you think that sharing the music I think is good and specifically asking for music from other perspectives is "proselytizing" then that says more about your insecurities than my intentions.
of course i come in here to offend you and make you angry and try to make you not enjoy music you previously did enjoy. yes, i'm trolling you. but that does not mean i'm not ALSO helpful. you asked for music that is not "blasphemous" and anti-christian.Also, don't pretend you came in here to be helpful. It's100% your M.O. to troll and then when you get called out on it to act like you're innocent. You've done it in practically every thread I've made that has anything to do with Christian Metal (to the extent of purposefully posting blasphemous material in my thread in order to offend me).
yet you think everyone else should make an effort to consider them very carefully as to not offend you with "blasphemy"? how much research do you think it is appropriate that we do before we post recommendations? if you're gonna lay down criteria, at least be fucking consistent about it.As I said, I really couldn't care less what you think about my criteria.
oh i read and watch and listen to a lot of stuff produced by christians, and i, too, have reasonable boundaries: i think that "christian black metal" in particular is the #1 dumbest shit ever thought up in the history of the worldThe fact that I'm open to some criticism of my beliefs should actually be lauded by people like you. Despite having certain boundaries that I think are reasonable, I don't act like everything produced by non-Christians has cooties like you do with Christians.
1) "i'm not living in a safe space, it's u"I also find it ironic that you accuse me of having "a litle circlejerk safespace of a mind" when you never state opinions that would be controversial in the mainstream of your own society and when I'm the one who is a Christian on a Metal message board that is often antagonistic to my beliefs while you preside over the council of the oompa loompas that affirm that you are King of Acceptable Opinions. If anyone is dwelling in a safe space it's you.
It really is better that we just avoid each other as much as possible because half of the time our interactions lead to this (and, I would point out, it almost always starts with you trolling me about something related to Christianity).
see, this is why i don't listen to drudkh much anymoreHey by the way, I have always enjoyed Drudkh. That should be a surprise to absolutely no one. Just saying:
"asking for music from other perspectives", lmfao, who the fuck do you think you are kidding
other perspectives that just barely fit within your narrow little life and are unoffensive enough that you don't feel threatened. cool. why do you expect anyone to want to play by those rules? you're like a vegan waltzing into a steak restaurant, demanding the world, and making a big fucking stink that there's nothing there for you
no, it's a steak restaurant. that's the point of it. we don't serve vegan food. go elsewhere.
of course i come in here to offend you and make you angry and try to make you not enjoy music you previously did enjoy. yes, i'm trolling you. but that does not mean i'm not ALSO helpful. you asked for music that is not "blasphemous" and anti-christian.
i mean, i speak swedish, you don't. therefore i can help you avoid bands that would rather kill you and your kind with swords or burn your temples. i even translated it just for you. very helpful.
yet you think everyone else should make an effort to consider them very carefully as to not offend you with "blasphemy"? how much research do you think it is appropriate that we do before we post recommendations? if you're gonna lay down criteria, at least be fucking consistent about it.
oh i read and watch and listen to a lot of stuff produced by christians, and i, too, have reasonable boundaries: i think that "christian black metal" in particular is the #1 dumbest shit ever thought up in the history of the world
1) "i'm not living in a safe space, it's u"
2) "we should avoid each other because you just keep trolling me" (and by "trolling" you mean point out inconvenient and bothersome things)
3) ???
4) profit!
also lol if you think the "oompa loompa" thing is anything but a 15 year old stupid meme
also lol again that you think you know the slightest fucking thing about what is "controversial in the mainstream of my own society", or indeed, about my actual opinions of pretty much anything that is not the ideology of black metal music
i have "the most narrow perspective possible" of like a single thing, which happens to be what this thread is aboutI find it continually fascinating that you call my worldview narrow while expressing the most narrow perspective possible.
you do realize the difference between saying "hey please recommend tolkien music" and "please recommend music that will not offend me according to these arbitrary guidelines that i myself do not follow", yes?If you haven't noticed, people have been asking for recommendations based on certain criteria on this forum since it's very beginning. That's kind of the point of the entire thing. If you don't like that person's criteria you can always simply ignore it - just like you probably wouldn't respond to a thread about Power Metal asking for Tolkien lyrical themes. Just because you're disdainful of Christianity and my beliefs doesn't mean that I'm asking for anything more unreasonable than anyone else who asks for recommendations. Most people who listen to music have some notion of what it is about. It's really not that hard to think "hmm, do I remember this band blaspheming Christ or not?" I obviously take the recommendation and look over myself afterwards.
what is this "my thinking" that you keep talking about? p l e a s e d o elaborate, i would love to hear your analysis of what you think my beliefs are and how they permeate the forum and make everyone else into my oompa loompa somehowYou really never respond to the substance of the point. I pointed out some pretty obvious ways that your thinking (especially in the context of this forum) is widely accepted
ah yes, again with the "no u" defense, a true classic of rhetoric and witIf you're going to accuse someone of something look in the mirror first.
yes, your kind never hesitated to delete inconvenient things and purge them from history so you can look good on the surface, did theyOh good, we've agreed to disagree. Now that that's all out there I'm gonna go ahead and re-post this thread so we can start over without this nonsense.
Hey by the way, I have always enjoyed Drudkh. That should be a surprise to absolutely no one. Just saying:
Have you ever worn this in public? I am genuinely curious. And not to just a metal show. Im talking like to the grocery store, or the bar, or on a date. I'm not judging. It's a neato shirt