180 days and counting!!!!!!!


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Well guys and gals it's less than 180 days till ProgPower VIII. Hope everyone has gotten most everything taken care of for this year's pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Progressive/Power metal. Let's see;

Hotel reservations for Myself and daughter and Todd and Colleen, Metal, Tammy, Todd- Residence Inn here we come.

Showcase tickets - Taken care of woooohooooo.

Airline tickets- Holy Crap!!!! The cost but well worth it - done.

Sponsorship for REDEMPTION - done

Ready to hang out with my Progpower family.:rock: :rock: :rock:

Can't wait to see all of you in Oct, and introduce you to my Daughter, she can't wait to meet you guys, especially Drew.
I sound like you J-Man..

Progpower tix--check
showcase tix--check
hotel room--check
spendin money--check

Let's do this!

Last year was my first PP and my roommate's too. This year it's me, him and we're bringing along some new blood!
Okay let's see....

ProgPower Gold Badge - paid for!
Showcase Tix - taken care of *echos Johns woooooohoooooo*
Hotel Reservation - checked by John - what would I do without you, bro?!
Airplane tix - not yet :ill:

Looks like I still have one more step to go then it's partytime!!!!!!
showcase tix- check
PP tickets- check
hotel reservations- check (thanks Kelly!!)
flight tix- check

just counting the days till I can be around you wonderful folks again!
:rock: :kickass: :Smokin:
Gold Badge - PAID
Showcase - PAID
Hotel - Not needed*
Plane tickets - Not needed*
Spending $ - waiting to be spent

* Hotel and Plane tickets are not needed because I live in Atlanta now! woo hoo! However, it is being rerouted into the MadFest fund! LOL
Thanks a lot John and Tammy! I thought I'd save money by moving here but I end up spending the money anyway! :goggly:
Gold Badge - PAID
Showcase - PAID
Hotel - Not needed*
Plane tickets - Not needed*
Spending $ - waiting to be spent

* Hotel and Plane tickets are not needed because I live in Atlanta now! woo hoo! However, it is being rerouted into the MadFest fund! LOL
Thanks a lot John and Tammy! I thought I'd save money by moving here but I end up spending the money anyway! :goggly:

:lol: :lol: Can't say that I mind, Ernie! Can't say I mind.... :cool:
The beauty of counting down to Prog Power is that October holds a weekend in Vegas the week before prog power(my nephew turns 21 and it will be his first time), Grand Theft Auto 4 debuts about 10 days after Prog Power, Prog Power itself, and I just have an affinity for 2 digit months.:o)

Prog Power Tix: Check
Airfare: Check
Hotel: Check
Cash: Check, credit cards, and food stamps j/k.

Father time... take your time; it will get here soon enough.
Gold Badges - paid for
Plane tix - check
Spending money - check
Hotel - check
Days off request - to be secured
Fiancee - Working on it
ProgPower tix: handled through sponsorship
Pre-party tix: acquired
Hotel reservation: made (at the Residence Inn, 2-BR suite)
Airfare: not needed, since I'm quasi-local (Barrow County)
Spendin' money: we'll see...at least PP is more than a week after Dragon*Con this year :)
Days off: request to be made when the quarterly solicitation comes out (Wed-Fri, for the pre-party as well)

Reminds me, I need to make airfare reservations for Texas Madfest soon.....