18yr-old 7 String Bass Player in need of advice

Slavematic Sound

7 String Bassist
Sep 14, 2004
Atlanta,Ga USA
I'm 18 and i'v been playing Bass for about 6-7 years now, and around a year and a half ago I started Playing a Conklin GT-7 string Bass. Its hard for me to find other Musicians (around my age) that can keep up with my songs. I'v been writeing Music since i was 10 and I have around 50-70 Songs just waiting on a Band to Create them with. I can play All styles of Music Rather naturally,and I practice about 2-4 hours a day.

Right now i'm working on a new Style of Music that i'm wanting to call Grunge Metal. Influenced by Nirvana, Opeth and Metallica, i'v got many many songs that will surely live up to the Grunge Metal Name. At the Same time my music is written just Clean enough for mainstream.

As we all know bands like Blink 182 and Hoobastank suck, but they are whats happening right now. In the late 80s Hair Bands ruled the world, as now Bubble gum Rock does. As we all know Bands like Metallica and Nirvana killed the hair bands. History will repeat its self and a new style of Rock will emerge. Rather or Not Grunge Metal will be this tool of Mass destruction to those skilless momma's boys, I think my Music will.

Anyway, cut the Bullsh!t. I cant find a damn musician in my area that can do what i can, and thats willing to spend as much time as me doing it. If i dont have a band i'll never make it, and where i come from if i dont make it, then i have nothen forever. At the Moment i'm working my ass of doing the fu<king 9-5 delivering office fruniture, saving all my funds. The only thing i can think of is to Record a few tracks and spend my money traveling to NYC and/or Cali and try bypassing security to hand my tape to Big names in the Record Lables.

I dont know how to go about makeing it any other way. I only need to be heard once by the right person (this i know). But When your a bass player people dont tend to take u seriously.

Help me out Musicians. How can i go about what i love more than life?
First, you have the wrong idea about the music business. Just because you're a bass player does not mean that people will not take you seriously; and, don't think you're going to make it because you move to New York City or Los Angeles. Yes, there have been bands that have moved to those cities and found fortune and glory...but, a lot of the best bands have attracted the notice of the labels without having to move to an "entertainment capitol" (i.e. the bands of the Seattle, WA scene; Green Day; Jimi Hendrix; Primus; Slipknot, etc.).

Also, without proper legal or managerial representation, most major labels will simply show you the door. You'll have better luck approaching an independent label which takes unsolicited demos and even independents are becoming unwilling to take unsolicited demos now, depending on their size.

Get your music to the people and get a buzz created, first. Then, the labels will pay attention to you.
dont goto NY or CA. youre wasting your time. im from california so ill let you in on some of my experiences there

very few new bands get any recognition. venues wont book you because youre new, so you cant get the exsposure. ive seen talentless bands get shitloads of show, but the vast majority of bands cant get a show to save their life. and in LA its the worst. alot of venues, especially the popular ones, you have to PAY to play there. in california the music business is more business than music. if i were you, i would stay away from california.

i would imagine atlanta isnt too bad for shows. i would stay there. i know getting a band together is tough, and i bet you think its because of where you live. but its 10 times worse in places like california because people think if they go there they cang et signed. also, people think that since they are from california, they are automatically cool.

as for forming the band, it sucks. its a long painfull process, but dont feel alone in it, cuz everyone has that exact same problem. you just gotta tough it out.

you just gotta go through the motions, and youre young, youve got plenty of time. im not much older than you, so i know what your thinkin, but you just gotta go with it i spose. itll happen eventually. smart people wont turn down a good musician
Cool man thanks. Its actually hard to book Metal in Atlanta these days. The scene here is Rap, r&b, and bubble gum Punk. People actually listen to that bubble gum crap. A few of my friends are struggleing to get Venus other than house parties. When it comes down to gigging house parties, the cops always split the show up before the best bands get on.

Dragoncon just happend here in Atlanta, and it kicked ass. But the sad part is, there was some band named Ghoul Town who fucking blew goat nads. They were like blue grass and Metal. God it was awful. But like you said, one of those Venus that u have to pay to play.

Its good to hear people going through the same shit as me. Its good to be hear, even better to be felt.
not really, there are alot of "scene kids". They wear their little sisters pants, and shirts that are 3 times too small, and they travel in packs of 10-15 and there all gay. No joke. Tons of those