1x12 closed back vs 1x12 half or 3/4th closed


Jun 8, 2009
I'm looking for a 1x12 cab for my Roadster to use for home playing. I've been checking out various Mesa 1x12 cabs and there's a few on sale for a good price. the thing is a majority of them are either half or 3/4th closed.

I know for 4x12's I use all closed backs, I need that tight bass response for the Recto but on a 1x12 I'm thinking maybe I should let it breath?

Some people are telling me no, go with a fully closed 1x12.

What do you guys think?
Yeah i'm thinking about doing that. I'm also iffy on the V30's, the guy selling a Rec 1x12 said he barely played the speaker.

I hate that high frequency spike the V30's give out at the beginning. Anyone know how to properly get rid of that? (besides blasting the cab for a good 20 hours or so)
Crank up a fat clean tone and do lots of percussive, dynamic playing - 15-20 minutes of that should get you most of the way there! (this is all paraphrased from the Celestion website)