1x12" ENGL Cab for recording?

A 1x12 is not gonna sound like a 4x12.
Buy a 1x12 and embrace the sound of it for what it is, but if you want a 4x12, get a 4x12 dude.
A 1x12 is not gonna sound like a 4x12.
Buy a 1x12 and embrace the sound of it for what it is, but if you want a 4x12, get a 4x12 dude.

Have to agree with this. Which is not to say that a 1x12 isn't useful, or can't get you some kickass tones. Same with a 2x12. But it's definitely going to have a different tonal composition, respond to a given power level differently and interact with the room differently. Doesn't automatically mean bad, just different.