2 and a half games!!!


Music + Science = Sexy
Feb 7, 2003
NW Chicago 'burbs
2.5 games! That's what the lead is down to for the Sox in the AL central. I can't believe last night's game. How could they lose 2 out of 3? And, now Cleveland has an easy 4 game stand against KC, while the Sox have to face the Twins.

C'mon boys...suck it up and get the bats swinging!
Watching the ChiSox fall is worse than watching the Dodgers AAA squad this year.

Face it Cleveland will win the division and either the Yanks or BoSox will have the wild card. Then the my son's team the Angels will take the AL West. :grin:
DarbysDad said:
Watching the ChiSox fall is worse than watching the Dodgers AAA squad this year.

Sadly, I knew this would happen. I remember telling my boss at the beginning of the season that the Sox would be strong most of the year and fall apart after the All Star game. Usually, it's because they are neck and neck with the Twins and end up playing them a million times in the last month.

Hopefully, Kenny Williams will see that the team needs a consistent power hitter and dump Frank "I like cheeseburgers" Thomas.
How's Konerko holding up and the pitching is it still there?

Konerko didn't pan out\get a good chance here in LA then the Fox Regime, I believe, shipped him off.
I think thats 1.5 games now....nice collapse there, Remmy.

Welcome to my world, been collapsing since the trwinkies embarrassed us in '87....
damn Indians gave away today's game.

I personally hope both the Indians and White Sox make it in as I hate both Boston and NY. I guess a White Sox fan could at least use the philosophy that once one gets in that everyone starts from scratch.

I remember being a Indians fan way back in the old stadium where 1000 people would show up in the 70000 stadium and everyone had their own hotdog vendor.:Spin: