2 questions


Aug 7, 2003
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Right, I have 2 questions for Vintersorg or Mr.V as he explicitly calls himself. The first one is:

The shows in Sweden are few, I myself have not seen one, why do you not play here? I'd love to see one of your shows in maybe Umeå, or Piteå or Skelefteå.

Right, the second question is:

Do you read any of the nordic mythology that surrounds us swedes in the north? You could probably fit a lot of tales into your songs as they are very spiritual. Since you write the songs yourself you could figure out how to use it, I used a god from our nordic mythology in one of my poems, her name is Skade - the goddess of the snow, winter and the nordic cold. Eugh, I'd have to show ya the whole thing...mmm oh well. Look at the second part in it, that's where "she" is.

En ensam gestalt vandrar i högmod vid fjällens fot, trånande för vila och ro, kämpandes i kylans skoningslösa ilska han drar sig hemåt. Naturens krafter beskådar denne med högaktning för dennes vrede, den nordansjäl som dräper kallt med ögon sjudande av strid.

Men ögonen flammar ej, blodet ligger fryst på klingans spets och tornavrålet höres ej. Ty dennes vrede är släckt, blodet har flutit länge nog för dennes händer, ej längre finns viljan kvar att kväda den illvillige vid Skades gränser. Han vandrar ty endast för en orsak, han strider outtröttligt i dennes namn och beskyddar tveklöst denna gentemot vadhelst utmanar hans stridslystnad, hans hjärta brinner för Dima.

Länge har skräck dragit fram dithän han vandrat, hans harm är vördad av myckna vikingars ögon. Den högresta krigare av mästerlig stridskännedom har fredat nordens skogar i oräkneliga skeden, ty ännu har enbart tornavrålet ljudit vid Nordabrands slag.

Ej längre vandrar han till nordens gränser, ty hans ögon skådar mot norr och hans färd bär mot fjällen, och hem till Dima. När han sin fot sätter på utmarkens frysta bäring giver stormen honom styrka. Vid ståtliga bergsalars högresta klippor, hans stämma ljungar i rasande vrede över Dimas sargade kropp. Vredesmodet vaknar åter till liv, flamman brinner starkt och klinga greppas hårt. Kämpabröders själar till hans sida nu kallas, med idoga steg de träder till fjällets tinning, när tornavrålets eko nu förlamar varje lekamen, drar Nordabrand till krig…©
Copyright © 2002-2003, Christopher A.

Also, do you actualy walk out and see the nature here? Cause...it IS beautiful, the most beautiful nature on earth in my opinion, praise our cold and icy country, my home, the northern part of sweden, but also your home.

Best regards,

Nordabrand aka Christopher A
I actually have a question for you. I'm from the US, but am pretty interested in Nordic Mythology, and i just have a hard time finding real info on it as most of it is in norwegian or swedish and i understand neither of those languages, so if you know any places i can get translated versions of this stuff id be forever greatful.
Actualy, I do have some info and also some translated poems that I wrote about nordish mythology (kinda). So, do you have MSN or something? I'll dig up some stuff for ya if yer interested.

Best regards,

Nordabrand aka Christopher A.
At the moment no gigs except the Summer Breeze festival is scheduled...hopefully some promotor in Sweden are interested in us ...but nothing at the moment.

No. I don't use Nordic Mythology in my lyrics, I'm more interested in Nature and the origin of Nature...from the physical terms to the philosophical theories behind its scenery.

mr V
Dear Mr.V.

You speak of interest in the origin of nature, no? I have yet to learn what real "origins" you are speaking of. Is it the real scientifically, logically explainable one? Or is it the mysterious origin that always gives you that spinechilling feeling when you walk amongst the woods?

The 2 are of course very different, and the scientific one is already explained and open to mankind, therefore there should be no search for you and hence your goal has to be to further research in the mysterious origin, yes?

If that is the case, then you really should give nordic mythology a try (I dont want to push you into anything, it is merely a tip which you choose to use in your own way). As I've read a lot about nordic mythology, a lot of tales include the origin of some of the forests mystique and magic. This might sound like a load of crap to you, and it just might be, but there is still tales in our mythology who tell of origins that can only be found in them (and I do not mean the origin of mankind, when the giants gave birth to gods through their armpits & feet).

Perhaps you could share with me some of the sources which you study from, I would love to read more about it, if you have any at your disposal that is.

Also, one last thing, may I ask, do you gather any influence from walking in nature? Today I went walking up a mountain at my summer house (there's not a soul around for MILES!), and might I say that the nature was f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c! It was one of these really old forests that still remain in sweden, although the different tree-companies severe chopping is really bothering me since they kill LOTS of ancient forests and replace them with mechanically grown ones...

Best regards to Mr.V,

Nordabrand aka Christopher A.
Nordabrand said:
(and I do not mean the origin of mankind, when the giants gave birth to gods through their armpits & feet).

Thrugh their armpits & feet? I didn't knew that! Norse culture is so beautiful!!!
I wish I could walk into the ancient nordic woods(skog, right?), but here in these damned hot country of mine, even the woods are awfully ugly...

But if everything goes well I'll live in Sweden in maybe 5 or 6 years(maybe early)... Wish me luck.

About the MSN: Can I chat with you too? I'll add you to my contact list, ok? I wanna learn all about Sweden!!!
I'll just post this one more time, I think Mr.V missed it the last time, here it is again.

Dear Mr.V.

You speak of interest in the origin of nature, no? I have yet to learn what real "origins" you are speaking of. Is it the real scientifically, logically explainable one? Or is it the mysterious origin that always gives you that spinechilling feeling when you walk amongst the woods?

The 2 are of course very different, and the scientific one is already explained and open to mankind, therefore there should be no search for you and hence your goal has to be to further research in the mysterious origin, yes?

If that is the case, then you really should give nordic mythology a try (I dont want to push you into anything, it is merely a tip which you choose to use in your own way). As I've read a lot about nordic mythology, a lot of tales include the origin of some of the forests mystique and magic. This might sound like a load of crap to you, and it just might be, but there is still tales in our mythology who tell of origins that can only be found in them (and I do not mean the origin of mankind, when the giants gave birth to gods through their armpits & feet).

Perhaps you could share with me some of the sources which you study from, I would love to read more about it, if you have any at your disposal that is.

Also, one last thing, may I ask, do you gather any influence from walking in nature? Today I went walking up a mountain at my summer house (there's not a soul around for MILES!), and might I say that the nature was f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c! It was one of these really old forests that still remain in sweden, although the different tree-companies severe chopping is really bothering me since they kill LOTS of ancient forests and replace them with mechanically grown ones...

Best regards to Mr.V,

Nordabrand aka Christopher A.