2 Speakers in the Same Cab (MP3s)

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
I was comparing the speakers in my Mesa 4x12, and I thought some of you might want to hear how the same model speakers in the same cabinet can sound more different than you might think. Here are clips of the top two speakers, both Vintage 30s. To make sure I could easily get the same mic positioning on each one, I just recorded these clips head-on in the dead center of the speaker cone, an inch back. Pretty interesting IMO.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2
It almost sounds like the difference between the 57 and i5, but on a smaller scale, the first clip being the 57 and the second being the i5. The second has a more open top end, but I think the first just has those undescribable 'balls' :P.
Yeah, it's much smoother. The 2nd has too much of the cliche high-mid V30 voicing. I'm getting pretty sick of hearing it to be totally honest.

Great test though Matt. Can always count on you to give us some good A/B material.