Question about cab miking


Aug 3, 2004
Cody, WY, USA
When you're close miking right on the grille, is there a significant difference in recorded tone between a closed 2x12 and a closed 4x12 (or even between 2 different-sized 4x12s) loaded with the same speaker?

It's a noob question, I know, and I'd be inclined to think yes because of different resonances, but I don't have much experience with different cabs, and definitely not 2x12s and 4x12s using the same speakers.
If Matt Smith reads this, when you did the cab shootout, were both Mesa cabs loaded with v30s, or was the bigger one loaded with the custom 90s? If both were v30s, then my question is definitely answered.
My take on things is as such... You are close micing one driver in a cab full of 4. You are then more than likely to high pass the guitars at 80hz anyways. Does the added "thump" of a 4x12 trump a 1x12? I dunno. I've only mic'd 1x12 cabs and that is what I stick with.

I think if you are room micing for ambience and blending that with the direct, then yes, a 4x12 would matter.

Most of the Zep shit was done with a little 8" or 10" Supro combo and those guitars are big. They are not METAL guitars, but big nonetheless.

Then again, maybe I've no fucking clue and you can wait for Andy, but I just dont see the sense in needing a big monster 4x12 cab for home studio recording. My 1x12 boogie recto shakes the walls as it is!!
Yeah, I agree with you as far as bass and volume are concerned... I get more than I need of both out of my 5150 combo. I'm more curious about the general tonal character of the cabinet, I guess... whether the size, construction, and material of the cabinet affects the way the speakers themselves vibrate and resonate, and how audible it is on a recording. The main reason I'm asking is I want to augment the sound of my 5150's stock Sheffield speakers with something loaded with v30s (I think), and I'm wondering how much diffence different cabs will make when I'm putting a 57 right on the grille, between a Recto 2x12, Recto Traditional 4x12, Recto Standard 4x12, Marshall 1960V, Carvin Legacy 2x12 or 4x12, Avatar 2x12 or 4x12, etc. If it comes down to a purely economical decision, I'll definitely just use a 2x12, but I don't want to sacrifice on tonal character to save a few bucks or some space.
Ku Klux K9 appears. =)

Interesting observation, Andy... The illusion created by thin guitars from Page makes the drums seem huge... I think I'll have to bust out houses of the holy on that note.

Never thought of it that way....

To your ears what is the benefit of a 4x12 over a 1x12 when talking about a close mic'd situation?
Mattt.. If I seem to recall I think I trumped your efforts with my lil 1x12 cab... news at 11 I guess...

PS - At one point did Larry Bird rule the (basketball) world?
Wow, I seriously expected the larger cab to be loaded with different speakers. Like I said, my question has been answered. That was a HUGE tonal difference. Just one last possible factor... did the mic placement differ terribly greatly between the two, and how far away from the grille was it?
Ether: No idea what any of that meant; try English maybe. ;)

Disconnekt: I did it really fast so it certainly wasn't scientific, but I tried to get the placement as close as possible (about an inch away from the cloth, half-inch to inch off-center). So most of the difference you're hearing is definitely the difference in the cabs. Again though, the standard one had been sitting in a basement for a couple of years, etc., so the best way to judge would be to try both out with your own gear if possible and keep the one you like best.
Good luck!
Matt Smith said:
Ether: No idea what any of that meant; try English maybe. ;)

Disconnekt: I did it really fast so it certainly wasn't scientific, but I tried to get the placement as close as possible (about an inch away from the cloth, half-inch to inch off-center). So most of the difference you're hearing is definitely the difference in the cabs. Again though, the standard one had been sitting in a basement for a couple of years, etc., so the best way to judge would be to try both out with your own gear if possible and keep the one you like best.
Good luck!

Thanks, Matt, I appreciate the info, and I'll try out whatever I can, although I doubt they'll let me drag my amp, computer, and Mbox into Guitar Center :p . Maybe I can do what you did, buy two and return one.