2 tracks reamp request (DI's inside)


Mar 30, 2005
Ok... I'm working on this free project, a promo song.
I've recorded the guys in a very bad situation (cold home in a cold day) so they didn't play very well...but it was not theit fault.
I reamped the DI's with my Savage 60 and my 2x12 but I'm not very happy with the tone...it's very dry and bodyless.
The band has a Nightrage/Dark Tranquillity style so I'm searching a Jacob Hansen/Tue Madsen guitar sound that fit better than mine in this mix.
I'm also searching an amp sound that fit better my tastes so I'll compare my best sound with these reamps.
My preferences are of course Dual rectifier and Peavey 5150, through a 4x12 cab.
If anyone is interester, I'm very pleased to try his reamp :)


Thank you very much!
Ok, all done, uploading now! I gotta say though, the DI tracks were clipping a lot, you'll definitely wanna ease off the levels on those next time, and also, the playing could do with a fair bit of tightening...

Anyway, I'll post again when they're done uploading! (it'll be awhile though!)
i am making you 8 tracks 4 with 1 mic, 4 with fredman, a set of L and R with 51 and another set of L R with krank rev1
Uhm...are you shure the DI's clip? Here in PT they peak max a 4.7 and when I recorded them they don't peak in my pre.
Of course they should be played well...but I described the bad conditions there was that day :)
Guarantee you they're clipping, right when I import them in Reaper I can see it, and the meters say the same (I kept it at 0). I don't think it made 'em unusable, but just something to keep in mind! And yeah, cold house, cold day - but they should've tried harder :p Cool riffs though!

Anyway, here's the link - and in case you feel it's too fizzy, try it in a mix first before making up your mind ;)