20" kickdrum for METALLLLL !!!


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007
hello people,

my drummer has a super opportunity to get a brand new Tama Starclassic Maple for a insane cheap price.

4 toms and a 20" kick drum. He usually plays a 22".

What do you think of a 20" for a live situation, in term of sound volume and kickin'. then in the studio, concerning the sound and the micking....

For the next recording it will be trigger only on the kick but in the future we'll get a D6.

thanx for the feedback !
I prefer 20" kicks for tighter sound and better playability (not to be forgotten) but 22" is pretty good as well
mate of mine uses a 20'' kick before we heard it we thought it would sound shit for metal but its amazing, really tight focused sound that still has some power behind it
I just tried to sell my Mapex Pro M with 20 inch kick drums. It didn't sell and I'm not that disappointed as it's a nice kit.
The only problem is the kicks aren't loud enough for jamming.
I think they record pretty well, but yeah.. it's weird how much difference there is between the loudness of the kicks compared to the toms.
Try pinstripes on 20" x 16 or 18 kicks as opposed to those self muffling heads. Loudest kick drum I ever heard was a starter yamaha kit with 20" x 16 kick with that head