2006 US Set List

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
Does anyone that has seen them on the Nile tour have a set list? I only remeber some of them and I would like to put a full list in a live review I am doing for www.metal-temple.com. One for Nile and Solient Green would also be good.


there's a thread called "SETLIST"

the first post has UK setlist then a few down has US setlist.

however i am curious if anyone has seen them recently and can say if it is exactly the same or different?
right I saw the U.K. one but that is headlining and they were not headlining in US, and there was definitely differences I just cant remeber what exact songs where played.
average stalker said:
in NYC they played:
Fire In The Sky
Impotent God
Carved Up
Roswell 47
Let The Knife Do The Talking

i'm pretty sure that was their whole set

That seems correct. I guess they dropped Fractured Millenium, which was also played in other cities. It's a shame we got a shorter set in NYC, was a killer set otherwise!