ProgPower VIII Set List Help

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
I finally finishing up my PP review for, but I prefer including set lists. I have searched the forums and have found half can someone help wit h the remaining.

Halcyon Way, Krucible, FK, Raintime, Virgin Steele, Communic, and After Forever


Raintime played;

Moot Lie
Rolling Chances
Flies and Lies
Another Transition
and Rainbringer(pretty sure on all but Rainbringer)

Communic played;

Under a Luminous Sky
Fooled by the Serpent
Waves of Visual Decay
Frozen Asleep in the Park

At dewy prime was their last one, I think.
Communic played;

Under a Luminous Sky
Fooled by the Serpent
Waves of Visual Decay
Frozen Asleep in the Park

At dewy prime was their last one, I think.

They closed with Fooled by the Serpent, and didn't play At Dewy Prime. :waah:

The one your missing is Communication Sublime, which they opened the set with.
Pretty sure the order of the Communic setlist was:

Communication Sublime
Frozen Asleep In The Park
Waves Of Visual Decay
Under a Luminous Sky
Fooled By The Serpent
Braxil's set list is correct I believe. They definitely didnt play At Dewey Prime and I think the singer said something to affect of when I was talking with him that they may never play it live due to something special about the song.
From the FK forum, not in order, but these were the songs played:
(Thanks to FreakAccident for the original post)
I tend to remember setlists by album and not in order, so here's what I remember:

Appetizer: Blind, See You in Pittsburgh
Spanking Hour: Walls of Stupidity (acoustic), Taste My Fist
FK3: Vaseline Bizniz, My New Haircut (acoustic)
Dead Soul Men: Silence, Ugly Side of Me (my request, yay!), Everything is Under Control
Move: Propaganda Pie, Nobody's Laughing, Snap, Porno Daddy, Razor Flowers, Hateful Little People
Organic: Speak When Spoken To, Rights to You, Infidelity Ghost
The Road Less Traveled: Theme from Fletch

IA's Clinic: Hateful Little Beatle, Disco Diabolique, There's No Money in Jazz, Serge (spelling? new FG song), another song from the tuition album the title of which I forget at the moment (the one with the Heal Me riff, been done at many clinics)

So hopefully I didn't fuck up too much information there. Someone will be along soon to rearrange everything and put it in its correct order, and include whatever I left out.

IA added - "We also squeezed in When Sam Played it Again from Freak Guitar in See you Pittsburgh. I think that was about it"

I'm kind of sure that the first 3 songs were Blind, Propaganda Pie, & Nobody's Laughing.....