2006, year of the metal


Fevered Pitch
Jun 9, 2004
I am wondering if this year is going to be a banner year for metal. Think about it, Tool released a new CD, Agalloch is supposed to be releasing a new CD as well, this year welcomes the return of Dissection, Woods Of Ypres were talking about releasing a new CD in the fall... what more could you want?
I'm pretty excited about this year. We've had some pretty stellar releases so far, and most of my favorite bands are releasing cds later in the year
swizzlenuts said:
since when is suffocation coming out with another album?

From the men themselves:
Suffocation Website said:
On another note we fully intend to have the new album out in time to coincide with the upcoming tour schedule. As for the dvd you fans have been asking for, it is not forgotten, it will follow the release of the album. All focus at this point has to be towards writing the best music we can for the new album which will be entitled "SUFFOCATION". After 17 years in existence we believe its due time. If it is possible to release the Album and Dvd at the same time ,that will be the absolute goal.

Krigloch the Furry-ass said:

Again from the men themselves:
Malevolent Creation Website said:
Long Running Florida Death Metal warriors Malevolent Creation are currently in pre production for they're 10 studio album "DOOMSDAY X" for Nuclear Blast Records. The band is currently home writing and demoing material for there new creation to be recorded in May and mixed in June. Recording's will take place in Pompano Beach,FL at Mercury recording studio's with producer/engineer Gus Rios and then off to Denmark with producer Tue Madsen for the mixing of the new if all goes well. This will mark the first time in the band's career that an overseas producer has been brought in for mixing,but Tue's track record speaks for itself and we feel that we will be in good hands' with Tue mixing the new album. We need to have a massive production for this 10th record because this recording mean's a lot to us and we plan on touring for the next 2 years in support of it. All the band's members are contributing to the writing of this new album so there will be a lot of different influences on this record. The music will be extremely heavy and insanely fast according to the band members. Malevolent Creation's line up now features original band members Brett Hoffman on vocals, Jason Blachowicz on bass, Jon Rubin on guitar, Phil Fasciana on guitar and drumming power house Tony Laureano on drums. Laureano has toured several times in the past with M.C. but now will make his debut studio recording with the band which is sure to be interesting. This line up will also do all upcoming tours in support of "DOOMSDAY X" which is expected to be released in September followed by a massive european tour with Disgorge and Skinless in support. Other touring options are being looked at as well. There is talk about a US Tour with Bolt Thrower in July - August but nothing is confirmed yet.
seeing emperor live made my year if the rest of the year is filled with nothing but shit i'm still gonna call it a good year
So far we got the New Sepultura, Venom, Ministry, Darkthrone, and Cannibal Corpse. Coming up New SYL, Slayer,and Mastodon.

Sounds like my kind of motherfucking year.
ethereallights said:
what more could you want?
well, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995. but 2006 kicks ass though. But the years I listed are better but 2006 is up there.
audiophileguy said:



and others
pleasure to kill
obssessed with cruelty
master of puppets
peace sells
under the sign of the black mark
fatal portrit
morbid visions
darkness decends
and turbo.

well maby not turbo.
I was thinking 1986 myself. Turbo had to be released that year, though, just to retain balance in the universe, because too much kick ass metal at one time would cause massive simultaneous headbanging which would knock the earth of its axis and we go hurtling into the sun.