metal for moods

^true, I've seen some live jazz. It's really good on sunday nights when you're sorta tired and drinking coffee.
Happy: Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Glam Pantera, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Lynard Skynard, Guns & Roses, Cellador, Dragonforce, ect.

Angry: Slayer, Overkill, old Metallica, old Sepultura, Death, Bolt Thrower, Obituary, post-80s Pantera, Iced Earth, Unearth, ect.
Zephyrus said:
Jazz is much better live, because you don't need to know how the songs sound beforehand.

Very true. I don't like going to a metal show inwhich I have never heard the band before and plan to "discover them" because all the music sounds the same and its not the right atmosphere. With jazz it is much easy to distinguish the songs and even with a lot of acts it is improvised so it doesn't even matter if you know their music or not! :lol:
Sad/Depressed- Xasthur, Burzum, Thergothon

Pissed- Suffocation

Happy- Finntroll, Carcass, Bolt Thrower

High- Nile, Pink Floyd, Rush, Anata, Cephalic Carnage, Pentagram
That's what I listen in those moods, but normally I'm just normal
Susperia said:
Anything he likes,it's weird.. he has a very very wide range of taste in music, but only likes certainthings. Everything from Dio to Cattle Decapitation to Marduk to Anthrax. But we just rarely agree on anything. (Though we both agree Dio is awesome, heh).

And the longer we're together the less we have in common, in terms of music. We used to like a lot of the same metal, but now he's getting more into hardcore and rap. And i've been more into Doom, Traditional, and Black, whereas he usually likes Metalcore or DM.
This calls for a TMMFI

Btw, I was joking I have never even heard Rev Bizarre :lol:
IWP said:
Depressed: Iced Earth


i tend to like listening to agalloch when i have my window open and a breeze is blowing. i guess the related mood would have to be one of calm or peacefulness.

when im excited i typically listen to something that thrashes or rocks, or in the case of something like mortal sin / onslaught - both!
Angry- Gorgoroth, Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, Behemoth, Vader

Depressed- Satyricon, Hellhammer, Opeth, Katatonia, Amon Amarth, Dream Theater

Stupid- Anal Cunt, XXXManiak, Deicide, Vanden Plas, Manowar, new Metallica, Cattle Decapcitation, Pig Destroyer

Happy- Bal Sagoth, Symphony X, Dream Theater, Emperor
Montu Sekhmet said:
Angry- Gorgoroth, Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, Behemoth, Vader

Depressed- Satyricon, Hellhammer, Opeth, Katatonia, Amon Amarth, Dream Theater

Stupid- Anal Cunt, XXXManiak, Deicide, Vanden Plas, Manowar, new Metallica, Cattle Decapcitation, Pig Destroyer

Happy- Bal Sagoth, Symphony X, Dream Theater, Emperor
(M)aggoT said:
Angry: Cattle Decapitation, Arkhon Infaustus, Krisiun, Marduk, Unquintessence.
Happy: Skinless, Narcosis, Strapping Young Lad, The Crown.
Depressed: Mactatus, Ahab, In The Woods.

Most of the time I get angry.

Skinless and Cattle Decap are a lot alike. weird that they're for different moods.
angry: Dismember, Suffocation, Slayer, Pantera, Threat Signal, Akercocke, Zyklon, Sodom, Malevolent Creation

happy: Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Dragonforce, Pyramaze, Into Eternity, Dream Theater

neutral: Soilwork, Scar Symmetry, Sentenced, Wintersun, Bathory