2007 - albums to look forward to


Still Writes in Crayon
Feb 20, 2003
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Opeth (likely)
Madder Mortem
Enslaved (according to their release "pattern", we shall hope)
The Mars Volta (believe it or not)
Portishead (likely)
Arctic Monkeys (whether most of you care or not)

a lot of big names in that list. what other rather notable goodies do we have heading our way next year?
I'm excited about the release of Be He Me by The Annuals. Most of the ones you listed are on my to-buy list.
Im looking forward to "Illumination" by Tristania, the new After Forever and Therion albums, DreamTheater, Tvangeste, Symphony X, Swallow the Sun and Spiral Architect (I heard they were working on a new album?). I think some of them will be released later this year tho, not sure.

As far as bands I would like to see new albums from: Opeth, Evoken, Riverside and Gordian Knot.
I'm not holding my breath for new opeth in 07.

But im looking forward to Woods of Ypres 3, likely out in early 07, hopefully appearing in my mailbox in the freezing abyss of a snowy february:headbang:

House of Seance: who is the band they are referring to in the article in yee sig?
I'm sorry for the negative comment, but I would rather drink drain cleaner than listen to another Woods of Ypres album.
Sen said:
I'm sorry for the negative comment, but I would rather drink drain cleaner than listen to another Woods of Ypres album.

really, that bad? Maybe they weren't that strong vocally on their second effort, but musically I think they're solid, good near opeth-quality riffing.
Really, no band is terrible in my opinion, except any group that takes recordings of men acting like gorillas in an insane asylum and calls themselves Men In Tights. Woods of Ypres just doesn't sit right with me.
Sen said:
no band is terrible in my opinion, except any group that takes recordings of men acting like gorillas in an insane asylum and calls themselves Anal Cunt.

fixed that for ya.

Also releasing albums in 07: Dark Tranquility, Metallica, Dreamtheater, Rush, Ax7 and Metric (hmmm which of these doesn't fit?:p )
^ I'll definitely look forward to the Rush album. I think we all know that the new Metallica album will be another miserable turd. What I want to know is - will it be worse than St. Inker?
New Enslaved and Opeth would be cool, but are either of them at all likely to actually do so? I think Meshuggah has a new one coming out soon, and there's the nothing remaster with the live dvd coming out sometime, both of which I'm definitely looking forward to. The new Elend, Neurosis and Orphaned Land are the only things mentioned so far in this thread that sound like sure releases that are excitement-worthy for me. I'm actually possibly the most interested in the new metallica, while the odds are certainly good it will be worthless I'm really curious to know what will happen with it. My prediction is St. Anger 2: With Guitar Solos, but I'll keep an open mind until I hear it. I'll probably at least check out the new radiohead and dream theater as I used to be a fan of each, but I'm sure the dream theater will be bad news (Octavarium was by far their worst album).

Is that Mike Portnoy/Steve Wilson/Mikael project ever going to happen?

And someone tell the mars volta to knock that shit off, they produce too much as it is. Maybe they should work on an album for more than 6 months so they can have time to cut out the 30 minutes of pointless noise that tends to appear on their albums.
Id said:
^ have you even listened to the new volta album? out of their three albums one has noise

The new one and frances both had a bunch, the first had some. Coincidentally, their first was by far the best. Frances was the worst, but I still think they should tighten things up bigtime, their concerts suffer from the same problem of too much filler. :p
I am looking forward to Massive Attack and Portishead the most. I also expect good stuff from the new albums by Paradise Lost, DHG and Opeth.