2009 Asia tour


Guilty Gear
Jul 21, 2002
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Wow so I just saw that Symphony X will be touring Asia but I am shocked and VERY dissapointed to see that there are NO Japan dates! :ill:
Im sure it is management related and the band would like to play in Japan (I would assume) but would anyone (Jax?) be able to give some insight as to why they wont be coming here to Japan and why it has been so many years since they have? I know a lot of people here in Japan that would kill to see them live. While ive seen them live like 5 times back when I lived in the US, I feel bad for the people here who havnt had the chance yet and would really love to see them again. A friend of mine and myself were even talking about flying to Hong Kong if it ends up being affordable (though I would rather save the money...). Any idea if they are negotiating or planning to set up something to come here later?
There are so many factors that go into bringing the band anywhere that I really couldn't hazard a guess as to why Japan wasn't included. I do know that they attempted to find a promoter in Australia since they will already be over in that area of the world; don't know what, if anything, ever came of that, and I don't know if the same thing is true of Japan or not. I'll see if I can find out.

As to why they don't get to Japan often (or at all, in the case of Australia), a lot of it is cost..the expense of getting there (overseas flights for 5 band members plus 3-5 crew members plus gear = $$$$$) compared to the earning potential can make it cost prohibitive for a band that doesn't have an endless bankroll to spend on touring.
That makes sense... more or less what I was expecting to hear. I dont imagine the cost would be all that high for them to fly to Japan when they are already in Asia and they could easily do several shows there since Japan has so many large cities, but getting a promoter for those specific shows is probably the problem here.
Yeah cost is one thing, also I don't know how good a job Australian promoters are doing either, but I would love to see them here (Don't skip Perth if you do come!)
I never meant to be so bad to you
One thing I said that I would never do
One look from you and I would fall from grace
And that would wipe this smile right from my face

Do you remember when we used to dance
And incidence arose from circumstance
One thing lead to another we were young
And we would scream together songs unsung

It wa- oh wait.
i heard from a close source that probably about 6-8 months ago or so, their management had a meeting with an aussie promoter and venues and supports had been discussed, but yeah not sure if anything was decided upon, and im guessing it wasn't as nothing was ever officially released about it. alot of bands that i would say are alot smaller or less well known than symx come here often from the states or europe, and do very well. so without knowing the ins-and-outs of the industry i think they should be well beyond stressing about whether or not they will make enough money coming here, if they do what other bands do and include us on the leg of a tour theyre already doing (such as asia would be perfect), i don't see why it would cost that much more, and if they skip us out of this tour and think to come out here later, they will never make it because then it definately won't be financially logical. if theyre ever going to come, the time is now at the end of the asia tour. but yeah, like cameron, im so over even wishing for them to come. if they ever do that will be fantastic and of course i will go see them, but i learned years ago now to not pin my hopes and dreams on it ever happening.
There's no doubt in the band's mind they'll be a success here. Their agent in the UK is super keen to get Australian shows on the back of this tour. From a local promoters point of view, it might just be too late for a marketing campaign to get any traction coming out of the holiday season. The local promoters usually like a 12 week period from announcement to shows. A final decision hasn't been made but it looks like we may have missed the boat on this one. Wish I had known about this tour in early November. :heh:
well satyricon and cradle of filth have just announced touring early next year and as far as i know the holiday season hasnt stopped people buying tickets etc for those.. so we will see. whatever!
CoF and Satyricon are playing late May and March respectively, not late February. It's just the promoters wanting to give themselves maximum opportunity. Plus CoF and Satyricon have the advantage of having toured successfully here before. The only lame excuse going around is it might clash with Soundwaves festival :lol:.

If they don't come here Feb, the question about a Japan-Australia leg later in the year has been raised.
If they wanna cut costs, ill let them use my bass amp on the melbourne leg, on the proviso that my band demolition can open.

Maybe this will seal the deal.
@Jax..I want to know about the tickets of the Bangkok show on February. As I live in another country, I need to know how to confirm the tickets online. This is the first time I am going to fly somewhere only to watch a concert coz its Symphony X \m/
@Jax..I want to know about the tickets of the Bangkok show on February. As I live in another country, I need to know how to confirm the tickets online. This is the first time I am going to fly somewhere only to watch a concert coz its Symphony X m/

I'm heading for the Bangkok show too. But the information on the ticket site is in Thai. Gonna get a friend to buy the tics for me. After all these years of waiting since '97.. FUCK YES SYMPHONY X!!
I've gotten so many questions about tickets for this tour it's quite bizarre; they must do things WAY different there than everywhere else, or something, because I've never seen such confusion over ticket sales in my almost-a-decade in the business.

I asked management for urls for ticket sales for each venue (got info for just the Hong Kong show so far)..will post them in the tour info thread when I get them.