2010 April North America tour

leaving in 45 minutues to go to NEMHCF! These guys have like an hour and 45 minutues before Cannibal Corpse goes on, hopefully they'll make the most of it. Also, I'd be bummed if they didn't have the horns.
Hmmm, well, I have more than one. I have two large ones and three small ones bought in Canada, a gargantuan one and at least three mid-sized from the US (because I tend to forget to bring mine when we go to events, so then I just buy a new unfinished horn and make a new one), and I have a couple of different sizes from Sweden. I also have bone cups. They suck, but none the less, I have them, my kids drink from them and they are finished exactly like a hirn, and they were a gift, purchased in the US, but probably made somewhere else.
We use a bunch of bone and antler products when we do the Viking demos (knife handles, needle cases, beads, hair pins, shuttles, lucets, spoons, jewellry, frogs and button decorations...you name it!), not to mention a whole pigs skull that I've defleshed, and we also use a huge amount of pelts (anything from sheep skins to cowand deer hides and bunny skins). This stuff has traveled back and forth to Europe and monthly to and from the US and I've never once had a problem at customs. Breakage and the wax melting in the horns, yes, but the customs give us a worse time trying to get our tents and slat beds into the US than anything else. They don't give a rat's ass if we bring swords, 13" seaxes, ballistas, bows and home brew, but soft wood lumber, even if it's a bed frame, WATCH OUT!

Wow, good old customs, once again.
Is there somewhere you would recommend (preferably in Alberta or BC) to get a good quality drinking horn?
Tandy's. You buy the unfinished cow horns for like 12 or 15 bucks, then you finish them yourself. At Tandy's you can get horn that's already hollowed out, then you just have to buy a small chunk of wax and finish off the inside. there are a couple of threads about all that on this forum if you use the search function, tells you how to do it and some retailers. Other than that, if you want the finished product, contact your local SCA shire and ask, or order it on-line from Quiet Press or something like that.
The boys have still got it. Also I was bit worried about how the crowd was going to be last night, because they were playing right after Job For a Cowboy and Whitechapel. Fortunately, there was no katate-ing in the pit and everyone seemed to know the songs.
The boys have still got it. Also I was bit worried about how the crowd was going to be last night, because they were playing right after Job For a Cowboy and Whitechapel. Fortunately, there was no katate-ing in the pit and everyone seemed to know the songs.

Did you stay for Cannibal Corpse? I wanted to stay, but my head was killin me so I left after AA was done. Awesome show though! :)
Yeah, so what's up with the Croatian Cultural Centre? Is it just metal bands that don't get to play there, have the decided to be strictly a wedding venue or are they shutting down altogether or what? Does anyone know?

I've been trying to find some information about this too, actually. Was in a really nice area! I miss it. I don't think there's been any concerts there since like 2008.. They still do weddings and stuff like you mentioned, though. Weird. I guess with the Rickshaw Theatre here now, there's not much... "room" for another small all-ages venue. Outside of the CCC was definitely nicer than waiting on East Hastings though, ahaha :lol:.

edit: That's actually another thing that I respect so much about Amon Amarth (or whoever books their tours). Always the All-Ages shows, when they could probably be making more money at the Commodore Ballroom, etc. I've missed out on so many tours because of that damn venue!
Did you stay for Cannibal Corpse? I wanted to stay, but my head was killin me so I left after AA was done. Awesome show though! :)

I didn't either. I don't really have an excuse, and I was tempted to, but I went Friday night too, and it's an hour and a half drive back home, so I left about the same time you did.

Were you in the pit? We might've bumped into each other. I was the white guy with blonde dreadlocks, wearing a Cattle Decapitation shirt, about 6 feet tall and skinny. I saw a guy in an apparntley hand-made leather hacket with facepaint on that was really into Eluviete and Amon Amarth, I was kind of hoping he was on the board.
Were you in the pit? We might've bumped into each other. I was the white guy with blonde dreadlocks, wearing a Cattle Decapitation shirt, about 6 feet tall and skinny. I saw a guy in an apparntley hand-made leather hacket with facepaint on that was really into Eluviete and Amon Amarth, I was kind of hoping he was on the board.

Heh, well I'm a chick so that wasn't me. :) I was standing on the ledge right above the pit in front of the soundboard. I know what guy you're talking about though, he is at every show I go to at the Palladium! Saw him at Korpiklaani & Ensiferum.

Did you by any chance have your dreads in a pattern on top of your head? I saw someone with blonde dreads but I could only see the back of their head. :rolleyes:
well, good times as always, some pics from the trip to NYC

sky line from Brooklyn side

Brooklyn Bridge

Central Park

spotting of the Big Foot

poser at The Slaughtered Lamb Pub

Times Square

Best Burger in NYC (imho), I was very happy as can be seen

since there were no takers on meeting for a beer prior to the show I went in by myself


met or should I say bothered some nice people inside


at the venue, show was sold out, thank YOU for help with the tickets

my bro should be easy to spot


lighting was awesome, they keep getting better and better

looks just like an album cover


the End, heading back to the basement in Queens
While sad that no one wanted to join you for a before the show beer, I would have to say that it's probably my favourite picture. You look so sad.
Yeah srry bro would of been great to meet you for a beer but I got there bout 2:30-3:00 cause I still needed to get a ticket and wanted to be directly up front as if you can see in the pics I was (shirtless with my bracers as usual) What a show though. I'm gonna be writing up a review in a few days for it for metalasylum.net if anyone wants to check it out I'll let everyone know when it is up. Sucks I did not get to do the 3 day extravaganza I did the last 2 times they came (gf had work and needed the car so could no go to VA the next day) but the Philly show was amazing as well. Not as much pushing as NYC but still great. LIVE FOR THE KILL sounded better THAN I could of expected. That cello part is SICK live and ugh what a build up. Didn't get my Embrace of the Endless Ocean but Oli said maybe next time. Took me a few tours to get Rainbow Bridge so lol probably will take 1 or 2 before I get that but hey Dragons Flight Across the Waves and And Soon the World Will Cease to Be made up for it entirely. And as much as I think the show should not end with Pursuit it's still fun to hear at every show. Cannot WAIT for the next album and Ted and Fred said they are scheduled for pre-production for the Fall so maybe by the time that cruise rolls around they will have it almost ready. Fred said more Heavy (like Vs the World) and Oli said he don't know yet how it'll sound when it comes to him it'll come but he does have a few riffs ready. (he wasn't as drunk as he usually is lol so yeah probably could of got more out of him if he was lol)

well, good times as always, some pics from the trip to NYC

sky line from Brooklyn side

Brooklyn Bridge

Central Park

spotting of the Big Foot

poser at The Slaughtered Lamb Pub

Times Square

Best Burger in NYC (imho), I was very happy as can be seen

since there were no takers on meeting for a beer prior to the show I went in by myself


met or should I say bothered some nice people inside


at the venue, show was sold out, thank YOU for help with the tickets

my bro should be easy to spot


lighting was awesome, they keep getting better and better

looks just like an album cover


the End, heading back to the basement in Queens