2010 April North America tour

Hmm that looks to be about the same as the 2007 tour. I really wish they would play Hermod's Ride to Hel. I think it's the one song that every fan would want to hear/see live.
Hmm that looks to be about the same as the 2007 tour. I really wish they would play Hermod's Ride to Hel. I think it's the one song that every fan would want to hear/see live.

It's pretty damn similar to the 2009 Tour in US too.

Almost all of the same Twlight songs were played, except for Live for the Kill. They didn't play Valhall Awaits though.

We had Victorious March, Bleed for Ancient Gods, and For the Stabwounds in our Back.

I'm disappointed to see no Tattered Banners or Without Fear! Although the later is much... much less expected.

EDIT: Oh shit, I think you edited your post! I now see Tattered Banners! Varyags was a good song though. Rather not have Free Will Sacrifice.
Out of order but here are the songs from last night (HOB Hollywood)

* Twilight of the thunder god (#1)
* Free will sacrifice (#2)
* Guardians of Asgaard
* Tattered Banners And Bloody Flags
* Live for the Kill (last before encore)

* Valhall awaits me
* Runes to my memory
* Asator
* Cry of the black birds (Encore #1)
* Under the northern star

From FON
* Pursuit of Vikings (Encore #2)
* Valkyries Ride (#3)

From VTW
* Death in Fire
* And the world will cease to be

* Dragons' flight across the waves

YES :kickass:

Looks like a great set. I can't wait for tonight

And I'm going to be fucking pissed if Amon Amarth gets less time to play because of Fear Factory
I agree!! Vancouver LOVES Amon Amarth. I've heard of Johan talking about Vancouver on stage at other dates too. I wonder why they don't come here on every North American tour.

Vancouver gets a lot of shows that seem to skip over Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg etc.

I can't speak for other provinces, but there's a pretty sizable metal scene in Alberta.
Dragons Flight Across the Waves! Live for the Kill! Tatterted Banners! AND SOON THE WORLD WILL CEASE TO BE!!! WOW what a great set list for the most part. Now I just gotta do some talking with Oli and see if I can get him to kill either Varyags or Free Will Sacrifice for Embrace of the Endless Ocean and then it'll be perfect. Any one else here that wants he to hear that live hey don't be afraid to ask him yourself. It'd be great if they switched it up for that. And he agreed with me that it was the best song he has written yet, a true masterpiece. All the writing on ToTTG was done while he was drunk. lol
Very stoked for this! My third AA headlining show =). It's impossible for them to play a bad setlist IMO. Vancouver has been waiting..

I'd prefer Varyags over Free Will Sacrifice though, as I've heard the latter, but not the former (possibly my favourite song off of TTOTG). I also haven't seen Gods of War Arise, yet, but oh well. Can't wait! Anyone have info on what the merch looks like?
...Now I just gotta do some talking with Oli and see if I can get him to kill either Varyags or Free Will Sacrifice for Embrace of the Endless Ocean and then it'll be perfect. Any one else here that wants he to hear that live hey don't be afraid to ask him yourself....

Tell me what I have to do to encourage this to happen for the rest of the tour (I'll be at the show in St. Paul, and maybe the one in Chicago) and it shall be done!
Well you gotta ask the other guys too but he may do it for you. But just tell Oli if you see him that "Rainbow Bridge kid" The one he played Rainbow Bridge for specially in Baltimore that he is gonna want his meaning Oli's opus and masterpiece this time "Embrace of the Endless Ocean" it may take a few shows but if people keep asking I think by the time he gets to NY, VA, and PA, I can convince him to do it. Specially if he's as red faced drunk as he was the one night of the tour.
Have you met the band? If so, how long did you have to wait before/after the show to meet them?

I met Johan a few years ago hours before the show started because I was in the area of the venue due to other circumstances. I wasn't particularly seeking to meet anyone, but it just happened. I was chatting with one of the road crew guys about traveling to different countries and how they'd just missed warm weather, and Johan just appeared. I also met Petri Lindroos the same way that day as well.

I think it's a little bit of luck, combined with a venue that makes it easy to meet bands. Some venues just make it easier to meet musicians than other venues.

(Also, I've met other musicians by waiting outside after shows. I've noticed that the wait is usually forty minutes to an hour after the show ends.)
San Francisco show kicked ass! So glad Eluveitie and Amon Amarth came on first so I didn't have to sit through Dirge Within and Fear Factory. The setlist was pretty much the same as the one posted above, except for they played Varyags Of Miklagaard instead of Runes To My Memory.
this is the right order btw:

Twilight of the Thunder God
Free Will Sacrifice
Valkyries Ride
Varyags of Miklagaard
Dragon's Flight Across the Waves
Guardians of Asgaard
Under the Northern Star
Tattered Banners and Bloody Flags
Valhall Awaits Me
Death in Fire
Runes to My Memory
...And Soon the World Will Cease to Be
Live for the Kill
Cry of the Blackbirds
The Pursuit of Vikings

I've seen AA 6 times so far , 7 after the Montreal show this upcoming april 22 nd, love them to death, but this setlist is weak. Not enough classics, not enough rare played songs (why don't they play Gods Of War Arise more often instead of Asator or Guardian Of Asgaard for example) nothing from Crusher & Avenger, come on !! . Way too many ''lesser good'' songs on that set imho.

Cheers !
...And Soon the World Will Cease to Be

love them to death, but this setlist is weak. Not enough classics, not enough rare played songs (why don't they play Gods Of War Arise more often instead of Asator or Guardian Of Asgaard for example) nothing from Crusher & Avenger, come on !! . Way too many ''lesser good'' songs on that set imho.

That one song, if I can hear that live (or 1k years) they can play Manowar the rest of the show and I'll still love it
So, last night was amazing. Still not a big Holy Grail fan, but Eluveitie and Amon Amarth were absolutely phenomenal. This is the third time I've seen AA headlining and I think it was the best show I've seen from them so far. New lights, amazing sound, and that.. energy. It was my first time seeing Eluveitie (their first all ages show in Vancouver), so I was obviously quite looking forward to them. They did not disappoint at all. Absolutely magnificent.
That was the best metal concert Ive ever been to, and it was at the tiny rickshaw theatre in chinatown!! It amazes me that even with so little, amon amarth puts on a performance of a lifetime! The energy in that place was fuckking amazing! Thanks for the awesome headbanging... we hope you come back!!! (NEXT TIME GM PLACE) :P

Thanks from Kelan in Langley, BC, Canada.

-ODIN! Guide our ships, our axes, spears and swords! Guide us through storms that whip, and in brutal war!!!
What he said. I've been to quite a few by now, but this was the best one. We should be posting this in the sticky, though, so let's close this thread and move this to the sticky, OK, guys?
Yeah what everyone else said. Amon Amarth @ the Rickshaw was probably the best live show i've ever been to. I caught last year's at the CCC but this one was better. Sound was near perfect, the crowd was awesome... i want more!
Does anyone have pics from any shows that already happened? I am pissed I had to give my tix to my bro for the NY show, I was told today I am going to my works headquarters for management training.
Does anyone have pics from any shows that already happened? I am pissed I had to give my tix to my bro for the NY show, I was told today I am going to my works headquarters for management training.

I'm starting to process my photos from the Seattle show in a few minutes. I'll post a link here once everything (including the transcript of my Eluveitie interview) is done, probably sometime tomorrow.