2010 April North America tour

I'm starting to process my photos from the Seattle show in a few minutes. I'll post a link here once everything (including the transcript of my Eluveitie interview) is done, probably sometime tomorrow.

Thanks, and is it me or is Hegg hornless? It is like a staple, almost uniform.:rock:
There was no drinking horn in Edmonton...

The show was fantastic though.
The only (very minor) complaint that I have is all of the stage smoke used made it difficult for those of us near the front of the audience to breathe at times. I don't know how it doesn't bother the band on stage...
The horns got stuck in customs when they were touring South America a time ago, so they perhaps decided not to bring them now with them.
They had horns with them at some festivals and clubs in Europe last year though.
The horns got stuck in customs when they were touring South America a time ago, so they perhaps decided not to bring them now with them.
They had horns with them at some festivals and clubs in Europe last year though.

The horns not only got stuck at customs... they were DESTROYED at customs.
Sometimes customs make me shake my head.
They had the horns last time they toured Canada, so it was slightly disappointing to see that they were missing. I guess Johan made up for it by chugging a pint can of Guinness though.
As far as the setlist goes for this tour, I personally loved every song... I hear a lot of people complaining about which songs they would have rather heard. To me, every Amon Amarth song deserves a slot in a setlist at one point!

We simply all have favorites :rock: Maybe one day I'll get to hear Thousand Years of Oppression!!:kickass: But every other song is just as kickass:notworthy

Amon Amarth-
Chicago last night was awesome. The relatively tiny Logan Square Auditorium was packed, the crowd was stoked and Amon Amarth killed.

The set was awesome - hoping to hear "Where Silent Gods Stand Guard" and "Hermod's Ride to Hel" but no big deal. Encore "Cry of the Black Birds" and "The Pursuit of Vikings."

Eluveitie is quickly becoming one of my favorites too. They played a 45 minute or so set - crazy shit with whistles, bagpipes, fiddles and a hurdy gurdy - whatever that is.

Ended with Tegernako which was mindblowing live. Sound was good considering the number of acoustic instruments used in all of their songs.

Holy Grail -
They were very energetic. Sang a song about a fish. Retro feel Motley Crue type of vibe. Don't really know anything about them.

Until next time:kickass:
He's got a horn, no worries. he just didn't bring it because it's cumbersome and the hassle them at customs and it's a pain to try to not get them broken etc. I should know, I bring mine across borders, which is not so bad usually, but they're breakable and difficult to clean when you don't have a proper kitchen. trust me, the back stage of the venues do not have proper kitchens, never mind showers and such.
:( For what reason? That seems almost silly.

I think they considered it as an agricultural item but unlike New Zealand where they got to leave their horns at customs and pick them back up when they left the country, the horns were destroyed.

I mourned for them when I heard about it. They were really nice horns.
He's got a horn, no worries. he just didn't bring it because it's cumbersome and the hassle them at customs and it's a pain to try to not get them broken etc. I should know, I bring mine across borders, which is not so bad usually, but they're breakable and difficult to clean when you don't have a proper kitchen. trust me, the back stage of the venues do not have proper kitchens, never mind showers and such.

I'm curious, being as your profile lists you as being from Canada, if you bought your horn in Canada?
Hmmm, well, I have more than one. I have two large ones and three small ones bought in Canada, a gargantuan one and at least three mid-sized from the US (because I tend to forget to bring mine when we go to events, so then I just buy a new unfinished horn and make a new one), and I have a couple of different sizes from Sweden. I also have bone cups. They suck, but none the less, I have them, my kids drink from them and they are finished exactly like a hirn, and they were a gift, purchased in the US, but probably made somewhere else.
We use a bunch of bone and antler products when we do the Viking demos (knife handles, needle cases, beads, hair pins, shuttles, lucets, spoons, jewellry, frogs and button decorations...you name it!), not to mention a whole pigs skull that I've defleshed, and we also use a huge amount of pelts (anything from sheep skins to cowand deer hides and bunny skins). This stuff has traveled back and forth to Europe and monthly to and from the US and I've never once had a problem at customs. Breakage and the wax melting in the horns, yes, but the customs give us a worse time trying to get our tents and slat beds into the US than anything else. They don't give a rat's ass if we bring swords, 13" seaxes, ballistas, bows and home brew, but soft wood lumber, even if it's a bed frame, WATCH OUT!
Yeah, so what's up with the Croatian Cultural Centre? Is it just metal bands that don't get to play there, have the decided to be strictly a wedding venue or are they shutting down altogether or what? Does anyone know?
The show last night in Quebec was pretty fun, I found Holy grail entertaining if not particularly outstanding musically, but that might have had more to do with their sound...Eluveitie was good, as well as having awesome songs they seemed to have a good feel for the crowd, making frequent eye contact and shit like that... AA was as good if not better than last time I saw them. I got a pick from Olavi and shook hands with Fredrik which is kind of funny since usually I don't really go for that sort of fanboy thing...I'm usually content just to buy a t-shirt.

All in all, the bruises I have from being in the front row are worth it!!!