2011 - The Year Of Massive Dissapointment?


God can gtfo
Aug 15, 2009
So with the new Morbid Angel about to hit the fan... this was posted on another forum...

Yeah I'm the guy from Mithras and I'm not a troll or bullshitting because I'm disappointed. Seriously, you're all going to be surprised when you hear the full record :necro:

"Morbid Manson" is actually apt for some of it and I really don't hear the "hand of Trey" on this that much, at least not in the way you'd recognise after 8 albums, there's probably 4 or 5 Trey solos including the ones everyone has heard already.

Existo Vulgore and Nevermore are about the only tracks on there you'd recognise instantly as Morbid Angel if you caught a quick listen, maybe "Beauty Meets Beast" (which I like actually, and is more what I expected this album to be, a bit "experimental" but still sounding like Morbid Angel, maybe GOE esque) The two Thor songs are pretty good, but as Gene suggested more like Myrkskog, so that makes 5 dm tracks, with the rest ranging between the intro which is blessed esque maybe to gabba, to sleazy rock, to pounding club style tracks etc. The most extreme bit on the record is "Attack" which is about 30s of Formulas esque riffing and really fast blasting, but the way it's setup with the voiceover makes it seem like a jokey afterthought almost, which is a shame.

"Radikult" will probably have some hardcore fans projectile vomiting, it's like Dave Vincent doing a take on Rob Zombies "Dragula". I think other people predictions and comments re: the lyrical content are pretty spot on too. "I'm Morbid" is like Manowars "Metal Warriors", a really sleazy rocky track you can almost imagine Judas Priest playing to a big stadium..

The record is not what some people on here predicted - a "gabba nightmare" and what's on there is pretty decently done, it's just so far away from what anyone would expect and a lot of it isn't much like Morbid Angel bar Dave's vocals (which all seem pretty midranged to me, bar the clean bits he does in Nevermore and elsewhere). The record is possibly incredibly brave, totally naive or just totally insane... but not in the way Covenant and Formulas are.

The few other people who heard it with me are Morbid Angel fans going back to the release of Altars and they went totally berzerk on "Too Extreme" when the disco beat and the groovy bass kick in, but I'm restraining myself, as i like a lot of different music. I reckon some fans will be able to accept this record and others will cry tears of blood; but mark my words it's not going to be pretty on here once it leaks.

And judging by the live footage of new Decapitated songs, that is going to be a nu-metal fuck nugget.
The new Gorguts most likely won't be coming out until next year either.

While there are going to be some releases that I'm sure will be cool, many have/will leave me feeling quite flat... or raging.

Anyone else feeling that way?
David Vincent rejoined Morbid Angel, what did you expect dude? It's not a coincidence that he left and suddenly their music went totally stratospheric.

This year has already ruled for music though. New Krallice and Ulcerate albums are both absolute beasts!! Maybe Secret Chiefs 3 will finally release Book of Souls this year too (but I'm not holding my breath for that one..)
Then there's Mitochondrion - Parasignosis, which is pretty much one of the finest bits of death metal I've ever heard. So what if some of the Death Metal Old Gods have lost their way? Plenty of other good stuff to make up for it. Hell, New Zealand and Australia have started a death metal renaissance full of truly foreboding music that feels and sounds like pure otherworldly horror.

Dysrhythmia may end up releasing a new album this year too, they've been playing a new track live for quite a while.
Ulcerate went in one ear and out the other.... that's one that didn't leave it's mark on me.
The new Hate Eternal is sick, so is Dirge by Wormrot.

There are two or three floating about...
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I'm still not disappointed yet. Suppose we shall see what happens as the release date draws closer.

I take it none of you have heard the album previews then?

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Even by the previews I'm not seeing it as a total let down. Guess I'll have to wait for whole songs to judge.
What I can glean from the Decapitated track sounds pretty cool to me. I'm adamant that the danger going into that one will be Bergstrand's newfangled obsession with making records that sound balls. Combined with Meshuggah, he has the ability this year to either elevate both of my favourite metal bands to past glories, or absolutely destroy them. So I think 2011 is the year of 'make or break' rather than outright disappointment.
I dunno man, while I like OH, Nihility and Winds of Creation shit all over it as far as I'm concerned.
This sounds like OH, but, like I said... as if it was made 10 years ago.
I'm not really as concerned with the production as much as I am the new style and new vocalist.
Meh.. I'm pretty happy with a few releases this year so far..
Amon Amarth, Scar Symmetry, still waiting on Amorphis etc... You guys seem to be missing some of those key bands releasing albums that may not be the 'usual' sneap bands either. This year should be damn good overall IMO.
And there's a lot of good local releases I've been pretty stoked about in AU this year woo!
*cough Orpheus cough* :p but there are some good releases this year :)
I'm not saying there haven't been good releases this year...

But some of my most highly anticipated releases have been disappointing thus far.
Australia has been cranking out the most vile, evil, horrific and terrifying death metal in all creation over the past few years.
Eternal gratitude to the denizens of your country good sir
So far there's been some cool shit like Wormrot and Mitochondrion. Solid as fuu.
The new Weekend Nachos is cool too.
The new Hate eternal seems pretty cool but i need to listen to it more. The new Gorgasm is cool too but it gets old quick.
I'm kinda disappointed with the new Ulcerate and Gridlink..
Meh, we'll see how the year pans out

edit: FUCK, i forgot about Noisear. AOTY so far.
and i also forgot about psudoku. shit is ham