New computer, So much dissapointment


Nov 24, 2010
Livingston, Scotland. UK
So I got a new computer today.... Forgot to check if it had a firewire input ( my own stupidity).

I installed windows xp and after set up the internet only to find that no matter how much I tried it just wouldn't connect (n). Then noticed it had 4gbs of ram when it is supposed to have 8gbs.

So disappointing, Contacted the company to tell them/ ask for the extra 4gb.

Anyway needed somewhere to vent my frustration haha. Anyone got any disappointing purchase story's and more importantly how they dealt with the them?

I'm not expecting them to accuse me of lying or anything not reading the listing properly as it says in the title 8gb but I have a lack of confidence when it comes to talking to companies I always feel intimated haha.
i'm pretty sure it's NOT the computer (hardware) ;)

XP can handle about 3,5GB only, or do you run the 64bit versdion?

>>>> get W7/8!
The windows Xp you installed are 99% 32bit. Your OS won't let you "see" more than 4 Gb of ram, you'll have to install a 64bit OS to take advantage of more.
About your firewire, just grab a separate card, on board firewires are usually using cheap chipsets anyway, get something with a Texas Instruments on it.

And : What is it with people and windows XP? Finally microsoft released a very good os (windows 7 that is) and people are still using XP? Even on a new PC?
You didn't install the drivers for the network card. If it's a brand new machine it may not even support XP (the hardware is too new and XP drivers don't exist for it).

32-bit operating systems can only handle 4GB total. This includes onboard memory for sound and video, etc. Chances are the PC had 64-bit Windows 7 on it to begin with - you should have just stuck with that.
Fuck Windows

Nah xp is just what my dad gave me haha. It came with no Os installed(didn't pay for it with an Os as my dad has tons).

I'll try and install windows 7 64 bit if he will give it up, he doesn't want to give me it cause its new in the box lol.

But nah its cause I only got 4gb and I payed for 8 that's pissed me off. Buying a firewire card tomorrow.

Still not sure what the company will say but tbh I've only had to complain to phone companies ( O2, Three, Orange) and they aren't good a taking complaints. Made me nervous about complaining haha.

Also The internet not working means I can't transfer my podfarm licence, Though I have to say not 100% into podfarm yet like so many other people seem to be,think its cause I'm balls at using it!
Did almost the same thing. Bought a laptop and just assumed all new computers came with FireWire....boy was I wrong!

Then a day or 2 later, realized there was a 'stuck' pixel on the screen that I couldn't get rid of. Toshiba Satellite L670.....decent machine, except for audio glitching when the computer is "thinking" too much....Never had that issue with my old Dell POS.
Oh really? :O i loved more of your wisdom king badass. Don't be an arse hole on the internet plendakor, you'll get your keyboard dirty.

And thanks a lot everyone for replying much appreciated.