New computer build... Fucked up DAW :(

Oct 16, 2010

So I've just built a new system...

Windows 7 Pro 64bit

Asus P8H67-V (B3 revision)
2nd Gen i5-2300
8GB Corsair RAM
530w PSU
2x 1TB Samsung F3 SATA drives

Software wise I'm running Cubase 5 in 32bit to support all my older plugins.

I'm using a Tascam FW-1884 interface with the latest Win 7 drivers plugged in to a decent TI chipset, OHCI compliant FireWire card.

I can get audio running through it, but the connection just randomly drops and the audio cuts out completely and my control surface no longer works.

Any ideas please?

I haven't tweaked or disabled any services yet as I was lead to believe in this day and age with such a powerful computer that I shouldn't need to.

Is it possible to create a second account and tweak the settings there instead of having to create a second operating system?

Check your firewire chipset, Texas Instruments (TI) is recommended. I have also experienced issues with wireless cards interfering with firewire. If you have one, try disabling it in device manager.
Thanks guys.

I was messing about with my BIOS and saw an option to disable my "HD Audio". This instantly made my FW interface keep a consistent sync!

I was still hearing the odd click/squeak very briefly on playback even on the highest buffer settings so I disabled my network card too and it runs perfectly :)

I'm still quite amazed that this is necessary given the advances of computers today but I'm not gonna complain, it's all working perfectly now.

I'm gonna go write an original I-IV-V progression now :P
I solved my network problems by getting a usb wireless network adapter.
Also, yes, disabling all the other audio bullshit that doesn't have anything to do with your interface will help a lot.