2011 upcoming records

mr NOT

Chinese gold farmer
Oct 30, 2002
haarlem, holland
Was just wondering what you guys wishlist is for the upcoming year in regards to albums that are to be delivered in 2011.

For me it's this:

Evergrey- Glorious Collision
Jag Panzer - Scourge Of The Light
Stryper - The Covering (sorry, have a weakness for Stryper, dunno why)
Agnostic Front - My Life, My Way
Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising
Vicious Rumors - Razorback Killer
Angel Dust - VII
Anthrax - Worship Music
Alice Cooper - The Night Shift
Candlemass - Doomology (5-CD box)
Dio - For The Record-Complete Dio Vinyl Collection (16 platen)
King Diamond -
At The Graves (DVD)

And off course the new PQ album!
Redemption recently announced they're aiming for a fall release date on their new album "This Mortal Coil", working with producer Neil Kernon (who's worked with names such as Nevermore, Spiral Architect, Judas Priest and even Nile). Me being a big fan of Ray as a singer and Redemption in general, I'm really looking forward to that one.

Serenity's coming out with a new album, but I'm dreading that one a bit.

Circus Maximus is recording and two days ago posted the first studio log on youtube. Even though there's not much to be seen, it has got me excited for their next album :)

Suspyre is slowly making progress on their new album, with drums and bass tracked and guitars in the works. I'm hoping for a fall release from them as well.

That's some of the stuff I'm looking forward to (and could bring to mind) that hasn't been mentioned yet :)
Since I already have Stratovarius and Power Quest checked off the list, the only albums I can think of for this year are...

Symphony X - Iconoclast
Dream Theater - ???
Rhapsody of Fire - From Chaos To Eternity
Nightwish - Imaginarium (unless that was slated for 2012 with the movie?)
Dragonforce - ??? (maybe)
Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising
Alestorm - Back In Time
Dragonforce - ??? (maybe)

I didn't list that 'cause I've sorta lost touch with them of late, I'm not as excited as I used to be about the prospect of a new album with a new singer anymore probably due to all the "Tolkki Drama" that has ensued ZP's departure.

If it comes out I will buy it, if it doesn't, I won't shed a tear..

I'm also waiting for the new X-Japan album that is due to be released later this year with all former members re-united. :)
Ooh, there's a new Symphony X out?

From this year's releases, I've bought Blood Alliance and Elysium. I'm also looking forward to...

Amon Amarth - Sutur Rising
In Flames - Sounds of a Playground Fading
Tyr - ??? (I heard they were working on something anyway...)
Amorphis - ???
Alestorm - Back Through Time

Sonata Arctica's live DVD, if that happens this year. I'm hoping so! I've not heard about many Power Metal releases this year. Definitely going to check out Nightwish's imagin-whatever when it comes out though, that sounds very good.
@Shredgirl: Yea, surely there will be a new one this year.. I've fallen so far from how I used to enjoy them that if the new album doesn't really change things up I'm not going to be able to follow them anymore.

@mole: Yup, new album scheduled to be released.

Didn't know there was a Tyr album scheduled for release, awesome! Sonata's DVD is apparently going to be filmed this year, after a couple delays in location, but I have no idea when it will come out.
@Shredgirl: Yea, surely there will be a new one this year.. I've fallen so far from how I used to enjoy them that if the new album doesn't really change things up I'm not going to be able to follow them anymore.
Yeah, I know what you mean.

My daughter likes to dance to their music though, especially IR and UB since those are very techno'ish. :lol:

I know they are in the studio recording vocals right now, but that still does not excite me for the new album. I think I've just given up, I rarely check in over there at the new forum, only to check PM's, etc..\

We'll see in time, who knows, maybe the new album will instill the same feeling I had when VOTD and SF were released so many years ago. :)
Some of the records already out from this year that I have and was looking forward to include:

Power Quest - Blood Alliance
Onslaught - Sounds of Violence
Destruction - Day of Reckoning
Stratovarius - Elysium

Ones still to come out in 2011 that I'm looking forward to are:

Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising
Alestorm - Back Through Time
Obscura - Omnivium
Cauldron - Burning Fortune (Still waiting for this to come through my postbox!)
Rival Schools - Pedals
Avantasia - The Flying Opera: Around the World in 20 Days (That DVD/CD Live Boxset thingamie)
Cannibal Corpse - Global Evisceration (Live DVD)
Eden's Curse - Trinity
Symphony X - Iconoclast
Rhapsody of Fire - From Chaos to Eternity
Anthrax - Worship Music
Children of Bodom - Relentless Reckless Forever (Well, sorta looking forward to this, I'll give it a try at least!)
Dragonforce - Two Random Epic and/or Gay Words mixed together
Dream Theater - Whatever it's gonna be called

There may be more but can't think of them right now if there are any.

I have to say, as much as I have loved Dragonforce in the past and would still give them a chance with a new album, I'm pretty much in the same boat as you peeps. If it's just the same old same old I dunno if I could be bothered with them anymore. We'll just have to wait and see.

One positive about it is to me the fact that they'll have a new Vocalist is probably more likely to result in at least a bit of change for the Band, maybe enough on it's own to make it worthy? We'll see.
Bloodbound - Unholy Cross
Symfonia - In Paradisum
Scar Symmetry - The Unseen Empire
Avantasia - The Flying Opera (I don't normally buy DVDs, but this is a tour I would have liked to see, having Kiske/Hansen/Sammet share the stage would be magical on any day)
Norther - Circle Regenerated (Semi-curious to hear how they sound with Aleksi Sihvonen (ex-Imperanon)
Dragonland - The Return? (when?)
Between the Buried and Me - The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues (some amazing progressive/teach/metalcore there folks!)
I was going to buy the Avantasia DVD except it's from the Scarecrow tour and I don't like many of the songs they chose for the setlist. I was really hoping it would include recent stuff like Stargazers and The Wicked Symphony instead of being two steps behind it all.

That said, I do believe Edguy will have a new album out this year, and I'm looking forward to that!
I honestly wouldn't mind if Edguy kept up what they're doing since I enjoyed most of Tinnitus Sanctus, but... it would be nice if they threw in one song in the vein of Babylon or something! Avantasia went from metal opera to what Edguy used to be, and Edguy's turned into... well... :lol:
alestorm - back through time
ascension - far beyond the stars
dragonforce - ?????? ??????
gamma ray - skeletons and majesties
power quest - blood alliance