2012 Non-Metal Thread

i must be turning full on fruitcake ... but I really dig these songs ... they have a serious old school 70's-80's vibe ...

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i am listening to this on $5.99 newegg special headset WITH a mic.

i would probably convulse if i heard this on my rig :lol:
This has potential AOTY written all over it...


This song is so fucking catchy.
that My Brightest Diamond is pretty cool ... it's like Cirque de Soleil intermission music ...

it must image like crazy on your rig ... the production is amazing with all the instrument separation.

i think the video adds ALOT to the track though.

cool song.
that My Brightest Diamond is pretty cool ... it's like Cirque de Soleil intermission music ...

it must image like crazy on your rig ... the production is amazing with all the instrument separation.

i think the video adds ALOT to the track though.

cool song.

all this shit sounds incredibly douchy, but yeah, you can pinpoint exactly where each player is width & depth-wise on my system.

im thinking of selling the tube amp though and getting that luxman integrated i posted in the audio thread.

btw, where do you find all this stuff?

i dunno....around? same way you find out about various metal bands except I am all over the map, reading tons of different sites about music.
im thinking of selling the tube amp though and getting that luxman integrated i posted in the audio thread.

yeah, stop being a pussy :loco:

that record rules dude ... just pulled her latest cd and will listen to it on the way home in the car.

she sounds like some broadway composer I heard some time ago ... searching now on who it can be as i can't remember his name.

working with all these Broadway shows some shit sticks with me from that world.