2012 Non-Metal Thread

Fuck yeah! I sold all my doom albums and have now replaced them with repeated iTunes downloads of that one song and all 400 cover versions. :kickass:

I $0.99'd my music collection into oblivion! You didn't have to suuuuuuuuuuuck my baalllllllllls because [too high for human ear] nothinggg.... :waah:

:lol: Nad, never leave RC for more than a week, please.
I believe the new AC is still just stream quality, right?

Anyway, I listened once and decided to wait until my super mega deluxe 2LP arrives in the mail. The album is TITS, though no one here would know/care. It's for true Psychedelic Warlords.
This sounds cool. For those not as hip as me, Prince Rama are/were a kinda psych-rock thing like Amon Duul II, with tribal drumbeats and whatnot. I hit on the lead singer one time (I think she was into it).


Concerning the theme of the new album, try and follow me here. A press release describes Top Ten Hits as a “pseudo-compilation album,” consisting of songs from invented bands (complete with names, and apparently, actual biographies) that died during a hypothetical apocalypse. The songs themselves are the deceased bands being “channeled” for a performance.

01. “Blade of Austerity” - Guns of Dubai
02. “Those Who Live For Love Will Live Forever” - I.M.M.O.R.T.A.L.I.F.E.
03. “No Way Back” - Nu Fighters
04. “So Destroyed” - Rage Peace
05. “Receive” - Taohaus
06. “Radhamadhava” - Goloka
07. “Fire Sacrifice” - Black Elk Speaks
08. “Welcome To The Now Age” - Hyparxia
09. “Exercise Ecstasy” - The Metaphysixxx
10. “We Will Fall In Love Again” - Motel Memory