2014 - Wishing you all a cracking year!


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
I know it's not quite New Year yet, but I'm not sure if I will get the opportunity to post again before then so i just wanted to wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and all the very best for 2014 to you and your loved ones.

Let's make it an awesome year......diary is already filling up rapidly here at PQ towers that's for sure.

Off to see TSO in London in about 10 days I think and already got the Royal Hunt show in London pencilled in for March......possibly Dream Theater next month if there are still tickets to be had.

Rehearsing for the EC UK tour will also be high on the agenda......more details on that when I'm allowed to release them :)

Also looking further ahead to 2015 and 2016 and starting to lay some groundwork there too :)

Most importantly....be safe and enjoy the celebrations :headbang:
Thanks Steve, I appreciate the kind words! Happy New year everyone. I will definitely have alot of fun with the New Year. Its amazing how time flies by so fast

The way it sounds, it seems like there wont be any PQ activity in the near future, but thats alright. I know its probably too early to even talk about it, but I hope that sometime in the future I'd get to see PQ back together, whether it'd be old or brand new members. Of course, though, Im also excited to see eden's curse performing live. For obvious reasons, I cant go to see a live show in the UK, so I'll hopefully watch it on YouTube if one of the shows are uploaded. Good luck with touring with EC mate!

As for this forum, things are alright. Much less activity, but its still a nice place to drop by from time to time and have a nice discussion. I wonder if you plan to keep the forum running, Steve? Also wondering if Eden's Curse has a forum? I visited the website and didnt see a forum on there, so probably not, but I might be wrong

Happy new year everyone again, looking forward to see those shiny fireworks in the sky :)
Happy new year, folks. Stay safe and have a wonderful time. Here's to a glorious new year :)
I know it's not quite New Year yet, but I'm not sure if I will get the opportunity to post again before then so i just wanted to wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and all the very best for 2014 to you and your loved ones.

Let's make it an awesome year......diary is already filling up rapidly here at PQ towers that's for sure.

Off to see TSO in London in about 10 days I think and already got the Royal Hunt show in London pencilled in for March......possibly Dream Theater next month if there are still tickets to be had.

Rehearsing for the EC UK tour will also be high on the agenda......more details on that when I'm allowed to release them :)

Also looking further ahead to 2015 and 2016 and starting to lay some groundwork there too :)

Most importantly....be safe and enjoy the celebrations :headbang:

I can really tell from the sound of your posts that you're doing OK and enjoying the life with Eden's Curse a lot. Really glad for you, Steve!

Wishing everyone a happy new 2014:) Be safe and have fun tonight!