20th Anniversary European Tour

XD They won't play the "classic setlist" in their home country, poor Joonas finally a refreshing Bodom concert, that he may would like to see and he must go to (at least) Sweden to watch one :(

I see, Croatia is the only Eastern-European country next in line, even there are no Czech or Poland, interesting...hm... But tons of concerts in France, strange tour to celebrate an anniversary :erk:
Well, the French audience is pretty "Bodom crazy" compared to many other countries, you can see that with a lot of bands. France and Germany are usually the countries getting the most dates. But yeah, I'm surprised they didn't plan anything in Poland or Finland (Would have gone to Poland if they played there actually... Closer to Kiev AND cheaper), but maybe there will be additional dates later on. For Finland at least.
Yeah who knows if those two guitarists would've stayed if the music stayed the same and didn't 'dumb down' to American style metal. But they left so why miss them.

Well imo Blooddrunk is superior to IWC, songs are richer, sound is darker. I only care about songs 1, 3, 4, 8, 9 these days tho.

And I think the horny chicks came because of Follow the Reaper; the atmosphere, that ballad, Alexi being a good-looking rockstar who was dangerous yet vulnerable inside, but they left when Alexi was no longer young and the music was being influenced by hatred towards women in Blooddrunk as result and they sensed it through the music. Women these days are toxic, as they seem treat men with no heart. The American fans tho stay because of IWC.

Sorry to disappoint you, but Alexi isn't a good looking guy to me. Women are toxic???
I see you're new here MetalAmaia, you will quickly learn to be careful with what Joonas says. He overthink everything and you must not take anything he says personally.
Sorry to disappoint you, but Alexi isn't a good looking guy to me. Women are toxic???

Less than 0,5 % of men are good-looking in women's eyes these days. Tinder much?

You just proved the toxicity by coming to COB's forum and calling Alexi ugly.
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In the last interview with Henkka he said that the tour will be a mix of Something wild and Hatebreeder. So there probably won't be Lil Blood Ridin Hood or Triple Corpse Hammerblow...
But that mean who should get some great stuff like, let's say, The Nail, Black Widow or Wrath Within (whose solo I've always loved).
Haha I was slightly offended when they announced the tour and there was no finland date... BUT they added one later I just bought a ticket yesterday!! It's the last show of the tour and it's in The Circus in Helsinki!
Haha I was slightly offended when they announced the tour and there was no finland date... BUT they added one later I just bought a ticket yesterday!! It's the last show of the tour and it's in The Circus in Helsinki!
:( Lucky bastards :mad::rofl:

"Ghost of IPot is probably lurking around"
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Ghost of iPot :D I might be lurking around. We shall see.
Yayy an Esa just reappeared from the shadows :D It would be more iPot-ish, if I would said "Your Mum" or something like that afterwards. :rofl:

Btw, what are these "come backs", guys? Few days ago, Arcane suddenly uploaded a new video than he had posted it here.
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Since this tour will have songs from the first _two_ albums exclusively, I guess it's not so much about anniversary as it is about testing fan reaction to old material on the eve of preparing to write/plan the next album. Although I wouldn't be surprised now if Follow the Reaper album was played in full come 2020. That would be one nostalgy tour.

Will be great if they play Talking of the Trees.

The Nail will be awesome too, I already saw in a dream they had that as second song on the tour... And let's see what happens... For sure they need to first test how the songs work, cos the vocals have changed so much. Something Wild is probably quite awkward now to get the music flowing in groove, too... especially as many parts in it didn't really have groove to begin with.
Will COB play only old songs on this tour or will they play some songs from newer albums and last album I Worship chaos too? I
Thanks. It would be great, I am not a big fan of nostalgic tours with only vintage setlist.
It's about 2 weeks or so since they start- I really hope they ditch downfall to make room for another song. IMO it's the weakest song on Hatebreeder (although that could just be because of how many times I've heard it). Even though live DVDs are dead- now would be the perfect time to release one (or digital download) so others who can't make the concert can see the old stuff live instead of shitty quality half clips from youtube.
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