24 - do you know the series?


Apr 20, 2003
I'm watching this thing on DVD, its tv-series (they show season 4 now), and "famous" about that its f*** good, thrilling, .. and happens in "real time" - I mean, if a person needs to go to the 4th floor in 3 minutes, then it will take 3 minutes in the movie. So its 24 hours in all, first starting at 0:00.. I thought about watching it all at once but my boyfriend couldnt make it..
Anyway, I've never seen such entertaining series, it's like a drug! All the ppl around me (me, too) have CTU-ringtones, CTU-desktop on PC and that, and when I need to stop watching at the end of an episode, I start to go mad, like crying and headbanging to the wall and all. :loco:
Anyone has experiences about it, too?
you should try one episode, you will not be able to stop it anymore, its a drug! :)
I've seen the first two seasons and yeah it is highly addictive. in the end it is quite empty pulp with not much replay value, but entertaining as hell. I went away during the second season and my girlfriend had to tape seven episodes of it. when I came back I watched them all in one sitting, couldn't stop. sad little me :D
haha, 6 episodes is the most for me now (at 20:00 of 1st season) but I plan to watch the whole season 2 at once, in time; startingt at 8:00 and keeping the 5 minute breaks .. :)
i watched a couple of episodes and its shit. its just like any other american series, crap dialogues, no tension, gay plot, bad actors, except it has the time running at the bottom of the screen, which is divided in 3...super exciting. id rather watch porn.
I just finished season one ten minutes ago (huhh) and I didnt see the clock.. maybe its a later one.. they say 2nd is the best and 3rd is crap.
Don Corleone said:
you heard him, girls! dont disturbed tattooedsean666 during 24!
good God

Ehh, I'm not gonna ask for his number then.

Go ed Turkey say Cyprus is a country :lol: everyone else in the world knows that, ffs.

Btw, I found little shitty stickers in metro stations in Budapest saying "Turkey in the EU? Never!" and then bullshit about Islam and stuff. Hungarians don't seem to remember the pre-1989 times when we didn't have any problems with Turkey and it was posh to go there for a holiday and buy gold and other great things there :/
they should have a second division eu for the turks and the eastern povvo countries. Then promote one country into the premiership eu only to probably have them relegated the next season
I watched the first three episodes in the first season and found the incredibly ridiculous overacting and silly stress drama, both blown way out of proportion, to be totally hilarious and tedious beyond comprehension. I could not tolerate it for one more sitting. Never watched it again.